He Only Wanted To Feel Normal

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Gabrielle's P.O.V
Today's the day where I introduce Harry to my brother Quincy. I wish he could meet my parents but they're long gone. My mom was killed in a car accident on her way home from work and my dad, he walked away from Quincy and I both when we were really young. Quincy was my legal gardian until I turned eighteen, then I moved out got my own place. Then Harry came along and he made my struggles get easier. I am very greatful to have him. 

I finished brushing my brown hair and put the top half in a ponytail leaving the rest out. I put on my white skinny jeans, black shirt, and grey Converse. 

"Harry, we need to get going!" I yell. He comes downstairs running his hands through his curly locks. He looks at me with his vibrant green eyes that in seem to hold onto dark secrets, and smiles. I smile back. Silence was all that was heard. We walked to the car and drove up. 

Silence. I spoke up. "So are you nnervous to meet my brother?" I say with a toothy grin, looking at him with my chocolate brown eyes. He looks away from the road to look at me and chuckles. "I guess. Maybe a little." I laugh and he grabs my hand, tangling his fingers with mine.


I rung the doorbell, palm sweating like crazy. I looked up at Harry. I inspected his blue blazer, his khaki jeans and red Converse. He looked good. My thoughts were interrupted by a deep voice. "Gabrielle! Hey, come in." My brother says hugging me them moving so me and Harry could come in.

"I like what you've done with the house, Quincy." I say looking around. "Thanks. I was hoping you'd like it." He says smiling. "So you must be the boyfriend?" Harry looked up amd Quincy's smile disappeared. Harry had a serious face. I didn't know what was going on but something can't be right.

Harry's P.O.V
Quincy. He was shooting daggers at me. All the memories started flooding back to me. All the things I did when I was fifteen. All the things he did.

I turned to drugs for a while. I didn't know how to get rid of my pain. I was abandoned, abused, and neglected. My parents didn't care about me at all. I needed to be in my own world and drugs made that happen.

One day, I ditched school to go get high with Quincy and then the cops showed up. He ran and left me behind. I thought he had my back considering the fact that he had just lost his mum. He was going through stuff too.

I was in jail for two weeks until I got sent to a rehab center. I was on house arrest and now my records are ruined because of underaged drug usage.

I'm now nineteen and living a much better life. No more drugs.

"Hey, what's wrong with you two? Do you know each other?" Gabrielle asked with a worried tone. I look at her. "Let's just go." She frowns. "No, Harry and Gabrielle, stay." Quincy persists. I glare at him. "Has Harry told you about his past, Gabrielle?" Quincy asks. She looks up at me then back at Quincy shaking her head no. "Why?" Great, now we're telling dark secrets that should be locked up forever.

"Nothing. Let's just go, now." I say pulling her a little. "You shouldn't be with him. He's bad news." Quincy tells her. "Quincy, just leave her alone. She doesn't need this." I say. My blood is practically boiling at this point. "Fine, but she deserves to know your secret." I frown. "My secret? You were doing the same thing, too. You left me, Quincy!" I yell. "Guys, what the hell is going on?" Gabrielle shouts at us both.

I sigh. "When I was fifteen, I turned to drugs. I did it because I was abused as a child. I wanted to feel numb. I wanted to get away from everything, the pain that I felt." I say running a hand through my hair. "The cops showed up one day and they took me in. I went to rehab and was put in foster care." I say. I saw that she had tears in her eyes. "What about Quincy?" I looked at him. He had a dead stare. "He ran. He didn't come back for me when the cops came. He was the only one I could trust." I say as tear slipped from my eye.

She turned towards Quincy. "Why?" He spoke up. "I don't know?" "No, Quincy. You were doing drugs when I needed you most." She yells. "Gabrielle, I'm sorry. You can't be him." "Why, huh?" "Because, I don't want you turning to drugs, like we did." He says. She nods her head and pulls me outside to the car and we drove home.

Silence was all that was heard. We finally walked through the house door and she just sat on the couch. "You told me you didn't have any secrets." I looked up finally hearing her beautiful voice. "I know. I'm sorry." I say looking down at my shoes. She walked upstairs in tears.
•Two Months Later•
Gabrielle's P.O.V
Me and Harry broke up about a month ago. It wasn't really working for us. Quincy has been on my neck about breaking up with him but I guess it happened naturally. I really loved Harry. We understood each other very well and now ever thing went down the drain.

I pulled into the driveway of Quincy's house. I haven't talked to him since I brought Harry over. I walk up to his door and ring the doorbell. Seconds later he answers. "Hey." I say. "Hi." He let's me in. "So I came to tell you that me and Harry broke up about a month ago." I say looking down the whole time. "Really? I'm really glad you did." He says a little too happy. "I loved him, Quincy. I really did and I didn't break up with him because you told me to. I did it because we didn't have a spark anymore." I say tears spilling from my eyes. "You didn't need him in your life." I shake my head. "Like your any better." And with that I ran out, climbing into my car and driving off.

I didn't mean those words I said to Quincy. I couldn't mean them, not after he took care of me when both of my parents are gone. It will take some time for me to heal.

Authors Note ~

Hello!  briex0 I hope you enjoyed this imagine. It took me so long to write. I hope you didn't mind that Harry was not famous in this and he was young. This ia only fiction so Im pretty sure your brother doesn't do drugs or anything like that. Thank you sm for requesting, love!


Ok bye :)

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