Everyone tries to break you two up

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Harry: His phone hadn't stopped ringing all day. You weren't sure who was calling him, but whomever it was, they were persistent. He had only been back home for a few days and had spent every hour of it with you. You didn't feel bad. Why would you? He would be off again this weekend, so you wanted to get in all the time you could with him. You hear him coming down the stairs; his voice was low, but he was obviously talking to someone. Surely it was the person who had been trying to get in contact with him all day. He steps into the office, shutting the door behind him, and your curiosity begins to grow. Who was he talking to that he felt the need to keep the conversation so private? You get up from the couch and walk over to the stairs. You could hear him more clearly by sitting here. "Not tonight, Grimm, I can't," you hear him say. "I'm staying home tonight." "Because I want to spend time with her." "I know I have, but that doesn't mean I don't want to continue." "You and Alexa will have a great time without me, I'm sure." "She didn't say that; she wouldn't." You weren't exactly sure how the other half of this conversation was going but from what you could hear, he was trying his best not to argue with one of his closest friends. "She isn't getting in the way, and you can tell Alexa that as well," he says, his voice slightly raised. Oh. This conversation was fully on you. You had brought this on. You knew Harry had been spending a lot more time with you on these days off, more than he usually would, but you didn't question it. You loved having him around. Sure he had friends out there that wanted him to visit; you assumed that's why Grimmy had called him. You didn't want to bring it up though, why he wasn't going out, that is. He was home though, and that's all that mattered to you. You get up from your spot on the bottom step to return to the couch. He didn't need to know you had heard his conversation. You turn the television up a little louder to help out your cause and bring the bowl of popcorn back onto your lap. When he does come out of the office he seems frustrated. "Everything, okay?" You question as he walks over. You didn't bother asking any more about the conversation. He nods, running his fingers through his hair to push it away from his face. You left it at that. Yes, his friends had upset him with what they had said about you. And even though you hadn't been able to hear exactly what was said, it didn't matter. He was here with you, coming to sit beside you on the couch, propping his feet up, with no hint that he would rather be anywhere else but with you.

Liam: You knew exactly what she was doing. The two of you had been down this road before. "Are you seeing this?" She sent, along with a photoshopped picture of Liam and another girl. "Who even is she?" She continued with her message. What you didn't understand though, was why. She is supposed to be your friend. She is supposed to support you and your relationship. Liam had never done anything to her or you to give her reason to go against him like she had been doing for the last month. She had been buying into the rumors for a while now, and it confused you greatly. You had moved in with him a month ago, but you hadn't been giving her any less attention. She was excited even when you told her the news about the move, or at least you thought she was. "Those aren't real," you reply back, just as you had with every other edited picture she had found from Tumblr to send you this week. "I'm not sure about that, there are a few different ones, and they're everywhere." You roll your eyes. What was she even on about? The media had made a pretty big deal of you moving in with Liam and yes, they tended to follow you around more now which meant your pictures were in the magazines more. But is that it? Is that why she's acting like this? Is she jealous of the attention you were getting? The questions mulled around your mind as you thought about what to say back. You didn't really want to call her out on her constantly bashing your boyfriend even though that wasn't fair to him. You really wanted this to stop though. "They aren't real. None of them. You know he would never do that." You could have been stricter with your words but the last thing you wanted to do was fight. "No, I don't." You sigh, this was hopeless. You put your phone down, not wanting to deal with her and the nonsense she was trying to feed you.

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