Out With The Old, In With The New.

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THIS IMAGINE IS FOR Queenmaggie1033. Hope you enjoy love also make sure to play video while reading this :)
*sorry for any spellling errors*

"Just stop ok. I'm done with all of your bullshit. I need some fresh air." My voice was raspy from the constant screaming and I had a headache. I opened the door and left without a word.

Me and Liam have been fighting constantly for two weeks. Why? Little things that turn into bigger things. Honestly, I don't know what happened to us. We used to be two peas in a pod; partners in crime. Now, we fight everyday. I walk and walk until I find a small, empty park and sit on the bench.

I wanted to let out tears, but I couldn't. I had no energy to cry. We were in bad shape and here I am thinking we were going to be together forever. Man, this sucks.

It's like having something on your chest that won't go away; you want it to but it won't. You feel as if the world closed you out for something you did in your past and it's now coming back to haunt you and ruin your life. I want us to work it out but every time we talk, we end up wanting to claw each others eyes out.

I look up around only being suffocated by silence. I then look up to the sky.

"Dear, God if you can hear me, please fix us. This is the worst feeling ever and I don't wanna feel like this anymore. This prayer is to help me and Liam. If I lose him, I just, I don't know." I mumble the last few words looking down at my shoes. I just shake my head and sigh.


After a few hours of sitting on a park bench and nearly being choked out by silence, I finally decided to go home. When I finally made it home, it was kinda hard. Putting my hand on the doorknob and turning it only to see Liam's stuff packed up and ready to go was my breaking point. He didn't even say anything. He didn't even look at me. He didn't even step near me. Was he that grossed out by me for all of this?

"Liam, wait." I say just as he was about to leave. "Maybe this is for the best. You know for the both of us." He nods. "Yeah." Then that was it. He just left. It felt so foreign that he he didn't slam the door when he left. What's left to do now? I can't yell at him for when he does something stupid, I can't smile at him for when he does something cute, I can't do anything. He's gone.

I walk up to my room and just sit in my bathtub. I bring my knees up to my chest and let out the tears that I been waiting to release for two weeks.

 I bring my knees up to my chest and let out the tears that I been waiting to release for two weeks

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*A Few Months Later*

"Yeah, just put it over there." I told the movers, pointing to a spot near the tv. I had changed the furniture, repainted the walls, changed the locks; everything to get over the breakup. I didn't cry like I thought I was. I shed tears here and there, but there's no need to dwell over a past relationship, well at least for me. We just weren't meant to be, I guess. I wanted everything to leave with him. You know, out with the old, in with the new.

I like going on walks now. I hated them when me and Liam were together. It clears my head makes my forget about those two weeks of hell that we both went though. I try thinking of ways to make myself productive like how I was with Liam.

It's funny how I mention his name more times than I do my own or how his name is in every sentence I speak. I'll admit, this break up broke me down and changed me, but who cares, I'll get over it. At least that's what my mind tells me.

"Alright Miss, all the furniture is in place." I smile giving them the money. "Thanks guys. Take care." I close the door, turning around. I closed my eyes and slid down the door, taking a deep breath in and out. I reopen then, admiring the house. It looks great, from the deep maroon colored tile flooring to the cream colored walls. I smile once more, silently cheering inside. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door which nearly made me jump ten feet high.

I stand up tugging a peice of my hair behind my ear and opened the door, surprised to see the one person that I've been doing any and everything to get over.

"Liam." I say slightly frowning. I wasn't mad or upset just surprised. "Hey Maggie." I smile lightly. Damn these mixed emotions. "Hey, uh, come in." I say moving out the way so he can come in. "Wow, I like what you've done to the place." I nod. "Thanks."

"Look Maggie. I'm sorry. I really need you" Wow, straight to the point. "It's fine and I'm glad you feel that way." I just wasn't sure about anything that was going on. "Your not ok, Maggie. Just admit that your not ok." I was being stubborn but he was right. I sigh. "I'm not fine, Liam." I burst into tears. "We fought and fought about what? Nothing! Liam, I didn't want to cry over you but now that your here in person, I just can't control it." I felt arms around me as I broke down, releasing cries of both happiness and pain. "Stay with me." "I'm not going anywhere."

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