You stay with the family for a week

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Harry: Harry is on a rare three-month break between tours when he's set to travel home for a week. You've been together for a year and have only been to his house for day visits. Anne is eager to have you stay for a week, hoping to spend some quality time with her son's girlfriend. Harry makes sure to spend time with his friends, leaving you to spend time with Anne and Robin and even Gemma who has taken a week off from work to travel home for her brother's visit. He spends his night with you and his family, seated in the living room for movie night or game night. Anne teaches you how to make some of Harry's favorites foods and takes you to her favorite spa. On the last two nights of your visit, Harry moves your bags into the bungalow in the backyard for some quality time in the place he spent so much time in. He blushes as he tells you he's never brought another girl in the bungalow and hopes he never will before presenting you with the wedding band his mother had worn while married to his father; promising to replace it one day soon with a diamond ring.

Liam: You sit next to Andy for Karen and Geoff's recommitment ceremony, watching as Liam gives his best man speech at the reception. "Well, the wedding remix was a success" you tell Liam as he slides into the seat Andy had recently vacated. You smile as Liam dances with his mother and then his sisters, you yourself spinning around the dance floor with Geoff. You stand with Liam as you watch Maz and Andy perform the dance they've put together, laughing at how ridiculous it is. "You know... I love Andy and he's a much better dancer than I am but, he's kind of awkward" you tell Liam, watching Andy move around the dance floor. "Because he's so tall and white? Yeah, I noticed that like, years ago" Liam responds and you chuckle. "But, we still love him" he adds and you nod. "We'll keep that to ourselves" you say and for the rest of the week, you just ignore the fact that Andy just doesn't look as fluid as Maz.

Niall: Niall flies his family to London one week during a break between tours. Maura is more than eager to spend some quality with bother her son and his girlfriend, ready to teach you the recipes you've been asking about for several months. You've been with Niall long enough that you and Maura are incredibly close, talking at least once a day if not more. Niall spends his days with his dad and brother while you spend your days with Maura and her mother. At night, you stay in the kitchen with the two women as they prepare dinner, watching them carefully as they instruct you on how to prepare everything to Niall's liking. On his family's last night in London, Niall takes everyone out to a fancy dinner as a parting gift. At dinner, Niall informs his family he's asked you to move in with him and Maura can't hide her excitement at being one-step closer to having you as a daughter-in-law.

Louis: Your boyfriend was heading to Sweden for a week to finish up recording for the new album and his mom had suggested you stay with her and the girls so you wouldn't have to stay at the flat alone. Lou loved the idea and so did you. You always enjoyed spending time with them and the girls loved having another girl around the house. It was late at night when you opened the door but the twins were the first ones to notice your presence. "(y/n)!!!" they shouted in unison running over to you to greet you with a hug. "Hey girls! How are you all?" you ask. "We're good. Mummy (y/n) is here!!" daisy says and announces. You walk into the living room and greet Jay, Lottie, and Fizzy. The girls run up to you with smiles covering their faces and hug your neck. "Nice to see you again love." Jay says standing up from the couch to give you a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "It's nice to be back." You said assuring her you were happy to be spending some time with the family. You walked upstairs to Lou's room and put down your things. You always had to stop for a minute to look around his room because it was exactly the way he left it before he became famous. You smiled as you walked out and headed back down the stairs. "Alright girls, now that (y/n)'s here it's time for bed." You hear Jay say turning the corner to the living room. "Night girls, love you both." You say giving them both hugs as they tread up to bed. Lottie and Fizzy are soon to follow, leaving you and Jay in the living room curled up on either side of the couch. "I'm so glad you decided to come and stay, we have been missing you a lot. It had been a while since we had seen you last." Jay says smiling. The two of you spend the rest of the night catching up and planning out the week ahead. The girls were still in school so you took the responsibility of taking them to school every morning so Jay could rest. She was so happy for you to be staying with her that she had taken the week off from work. Every day when you returned from dropping the girls off the two of you would get ready and spend the day around town. You went to Frenchgate every day, making sure to go to different shops in the centre every day. You ate out at places like The Ship @ Bawtry, Shimla, and Zolsha for lunch; all places you had missed since the last time Lou had brought you home. The two of you picked up the girls from school at 3 and headed back to the house to rest up before either heading back out for a fancy dinner or staying in for games and homemade food. The week went by way too fast and you and Lou's family were closer than ever. When it was time to head back home you promised not to stay gone too long. A week after your visit you and the 5 of them were still tweeting each other about your time together.

Zayn: It had been Tricia's idea for you to stay with family for a week while Zayn was on tour in the States. You loved the idea and were over there in a matter of days after her request. His sisters were out of school and so the four of you spent every day together. You took them out shopping nearly every day to places like Granary Wharf and Market Street in Manchester. Zayn's Dad took the seven of you out nearly every night for dinner eating at places like Dragon Thai and Sweet Centre for the famous Bradford Curry. You had the time of your life catching up with them and dreaded the day you had to leave them to go back home. But when that day came you promised to come back and stay again before Zayn got back from tour. You gave everyone a kiss on the cheek promising your return and getting everything loaded into your car. You noticed the saddest look on Tricia's face as you were about to climb in your car. You ran over to her and gave her a hug "I love you so much, I'll see you soon I promise." You say reassuring her that you would keep to your promises. "I love you too dear." She says smiling wiping the tears from her eyes. You kiss her cheek one last time and make your way back home.

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