Management asks a favor

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Harry: "Can you get that?" Harry asks from upstairs as he walks into the bedroom to get in the shower. You pick up his phone that was ringing loudly from the living room, unsure of exactly who matched the name displayed on the screen. "Hello?" You answer reluctantly. "Oh, hi," the male voice greeted, "How are you, dear?" "I'm fine, how are you?" You question, still unsure of who exactly you were talking to. "Well, doing well, thank you. I, um, well I guess I can talk to you about this seeing as I assume Harry isn't around." "Correct." "Okay well, this is Brian by the way. I work with the boys and with Simon." Management, wonderful. "I just got out of a meeting with a few other members from the team and we are thinking about making this next leg of the tour, you know the US leg?" "Yeah.." You say hesitantly when he pauses. "We've come to the conclusion that we just want to send the boys over there." "Okay?" You weren't exactly sure what he was getting at. You certainly weren't planning on boarding a Modest! jet to America any time soon. "I don't think I understand," you continue when Brian doesn't say anything in return. "What I'm trying to say, I guess, is that you won't be allowed to come over and stay with Harry while he's over there. You were very...supportive...throughout the European leg, so we think it's just best if you stay home this round. It's less chaotic." "Chaotic?" You question as you try to take in everything he was telling you. "Yes, when you come visit we have to hire double the security and double the staff. Plus, when you go out we have to keep up with you. It's just something we would rather not have to fool with. They won't be gone very long, plus there's a two week break in the middle." Was he trying to convince you that this was okay? "What about the other girls? Can you even do this? Tell us we can't fly over there and visit?" "We didn't feel the need to tell Sophia or Eleanor." "Excuse me, what? Why?" "They aren't around as much as you are." "That's bullshit," you counter, knowing very well that you and the other girls were all at the same shows together. "There's no need to get upset. We just think this is best. Harry isn't as distracted." "Oh, great! So, now I'm a fucking distraction." You had never done anything to make truth of any of these words that were coming out of his mouth. "Again, this isn't meant to upset you. He won't be gone as long as you think." "It doesn't matter how long he's going to be gone. If I want to visit him, I should be able to visit him!" You hear him sigh loudly over the line. "Well it won't be allowed, I'm sorry." You roll your eyes. "I have to go now, please don't be so upset. It isn't that big of an issue." "Yeah, whatever." You hang up with phone, sliding it away from you across the marble countertop. "Who was that?" Harry asks emerging from the stairs, his hair still wet from the shower. "Brian," you mock. "What did he want?" "To tell me that I will not be allowed to come over and see you while you're in America." He stares at you. "What?" He asks, unsure of if what you had actually said was correct. "Yeah, I'm not allowed. Eleanor and Sophia, sure they get to go. Me? I have to stay home." Harry shakes his head, reaching for his phone. "Don't bother," you say, placing your hand over his. "They've already made their decision. Apparently I'm a distraction."

Liam: This wasn't exactly how you had planned on spending your Thursday afternoon, sitting in an office building in the middle of London. Lunch with your best friend is where you should be, but no, those plans got canceled quick when the call came in that Liam's bosses, for lack of a more hatefully clever term, needed to speak with you. "Why me?" You had questioned them over the phone, "What do I have to do with anything?" They had given no answers, just a request of your presence. So here you were in the empty office, waiting for someone to inform you what this was all about. The frosted glass door opens up behind you and you turn to see a tall woman with a bright smile walking over towards you. "Thank you for coming, so sorry you had to cancel your lunch date." Yeah, right. You just smile and shake her hand before she takes her seat behind the desk you were sitting in front of. "I'm just going to go ahead and put this out there," she begins as she starts to organize the papers on her desk before folding her hands and making direct eye contact with you, completely catching you off guard. Her stare was horrifying and intimidating. "We need you to get better control of Liam." You stare at her. What does that even mean? 'get better control of Liam' "What?" She closes her eyes, her fingers pinching the bridge of her nose as if your question was causing her stress. "He's gotten a bit out of control, haven't you noticed?" No. What a stupid thing to say. He's twenty-one and as far as you could tell he was acting his age. "Ever since he found out from the doctors that it was fine for him to drink he has been out almost every night, drinking, acting foolish, and causing scenes everywhere he goes." Was she thinking about the same Liam you were thinking about? Had an evil Liam suddenly emerged from Asgard to botch the real Liam's reputation? You weren't sure. All you knew was that this woman was talking out of her ass. Yes, Liam went out, but so did the other boys. Yes, Liam drank a lot, but so did the other boys. What was the problem? And if there was one why weren't Eleanor and Perrie sitting on either side of you listening to this ridiculous speech? When you say nothing in return to her explanation she continues. "We are asking that you keep him at home for the next month. Tour is over and he needs to be seen out with his family and not on nights out at that God forsaken Buddha." "His friend's own that club," you counter. "That is irrelevant, we don't want to see him there, or any other night club for that matter, for at least a month." "I don't think you have the authority to do that," you retort. "I don't even have the authority to do that. Liam is his own person, and I'm certainly not going to be the one to tell him what he can and cannot do, I'm not his mother." "Well then I guess we will just have to call his mum then, won't we?" You laugh in her face. "Good luck with that, she'll tell you to piss off." You had been around Karen long enough to know that she would not stand for anyone telling her son what to do, no matter what kind of so called power they thought they possessed over him. You get up from the chair you had been sitting in for far longer than needed. This meeting was a joke. "We aren't finished," you hear as you turn around. "Oh, but we are." You shut the door behind you, laughing to yourself. Did she really just try to tell you to keep Liam home for a month? Stupid woman.

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