You Two Get Into An Argument Over Your Child

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Liam: "Liam we need to talk." You said walking into his office and pulling up a chair to his desk. "(YN) If this has to do with what school Taylor is going to I'm not having this conversation again." Liam said not looking up from his laptop. "Liam we need to discuss this and figure it out." You said frustrated at his stubbornness. "(YN) We had this conversation 15 minuets ago and we ended screaming at each other, I'm not doing that again." Liam said slamming his laptop shut. You and Liam did just have the conversation about your 5 year old Taylor and if she was going to go to a public school or a private school a little while ago and it didn't end well. "Well Liam she isn't home right now so if we end up yelling again she won't actually hear it this time." You said rolling your eyes. "Well there isn't much to the conversation." Liam said getting very pissed off. "Liam I get it, you're completely against public school but can you just give me a reason as to why." You said raising your voice. "(YN) those kids are assholes and I am not letting my daughter go through what I did at one." Liam said while he rubbed his stubble just like he did when he was upset. "Liam that is all you had to say to me but no you just had to keep going about how public school is a no." You said. "Well I'm sorry I didn't get an education on how to please you at public school either." Liam snapped as he stormed out of his office. "Jesus Christ." you mumbled as you followed him out of the office. "Liam..." You yelled causing him to turn around. "What?" He said angered. "I don't care ok she can go to private school, alright. I don't give a shit. I just can't deal with you being angry at me." You said as tears started to well up in your eyes. "(YN) Don't cry." Liam said softly. "You just don't understand it ok. I get worked up when I have to about being bullied." Liam said walking closer to you. "I just don't want Taylor to have to go through that." Liam said. "But Liam you do you think their aren't bullies in private schools?" You said calmer. "No I just... I don't know." Liam said. "Ok, Well lets just leave it then, wait till we're calmer and we can figure this out alright." You said walking up Liam and wrapping your arms around his body. "I'm sorry." He said giving you a kiss. "I'm sorry too." You said as you two squeezed each other.

Niall: "Are you kidding me Niall" You yelled through the house after you got back from your ultrasound appointment. "What?" He asked from the kitchen. "What. Really Niall. You go behind my back and find out the sex of the baby after I told you I wanted both of us to wait!" You said angered and sad. "I just wanted to know!" Niall said in defense. "Well if you wanted to know so bad you could've just said that instead of just agreeing with me and then going off and finding out!" You said. "I didn't think they would tell you I asked!" Niall said. "Well you thought wrong asshole." You said leaving the room. "(YN) Wait." Niall pleaded. "What?" You demanded turning round and looking at Niall. "I'm sorry." He said. "Sorry doesn't fix what you did." You said turning around and walking away again. "(YN) really. It's my kid too ya know." Niall said. "Well if its your kid too then maybe you could act like it, come to my appointments, help go shopping for it. Do I need to list more?" You said getting extremely mad. "(YN) I have done that!" Niall said defending himself. "You didn't today." You snapped. "Really one appointment is that important to you! The only reason I stayed home was so I could paint out babies room but you wouldn't even let me show it to you before you snapped at me." Niall said upset as well. "You what?" You said calming down a little bit. "I painted the babies room." Niall began. "And the only reason I wanted to know the sex is so I could choose a color for the room!" Niall said. "I'm sorry Niall." You said softly. "You're pregnant I get it your hormones are crazy, but next time can you just ask me simply why I do something." Niall said. "Yes, I'm sorry." You said sadly. "It's fine c'mon lets go look at the room." Niall said, walking you up to the room.

Louis: "LOUIS. Come here!" You yelled as you looked out the back window to see Louis and your daughter Brielle playing football in the back yard. "What?" He said walking in the back door. "What are you two doing!?" You said. "Playing football..." Louis said. "Louis the Dr. said no running, kicking whatever you do in football for another 2 weeks." You said. "It's not hurting her foot!" Louis tried to defend. "Louis I don't care if it doesn't hurt, the Dr. said her foot may not be fully healed yet so she cannot be running around on it." You said getting frustrated. "So what do you want me to do about it!" Louis said getting annoyed. "Tell her you're sorry but you can't play for another two weeks!" You said walking away from the conversation. "So when she is crying because she has to come in it will be my fault too?" Louis asked with an attitude. "Matter of fact it will be. Maybe if you didn't act like a child at the doctors and actually listened to what he said we wouldn't be having any of these problems." You said walking away. "Oh so its my fault for trying to comfort our daughter and make sure she was ok and not shaking because she was so scared like she was 10 minuets before we left." Louis said. "Louis what the hell are you talking about?" You asked turning back again. "(YN) I was up in her room with her before we went to see if her foot was still broken and she was nearly shaking with nerves." Louis said seriously causing you to be quiet. "I'm sorry..." You said not realizing what your daughter had actually gone through. "Listen Louis I don't give a shit.. just go play with her, I will be out to play too soon." You said with a little smile causing Louis to smile a little too.

Harry: "Come on (YN) Just let the kid get a cell phone!" Harry said for probably the 15th time in the past 5 minuets. You two were arguing over your 10 year old Jake getting a cell phone. "Harry I didn't get a cell phone until I was 13!" You argued. "Yeah and how many years ago was that." Harry said getting frustrated. "And it was for protection, I could call 5 people, My mom, dad, grandma, my sister and 911!" You said. "(YN) he needs a cell phone, not because his friends all have them but this way he can go to a friends house and we can text him when were coming to pick him up, or we can let him go to the movies with a friend and this way we can give him so freedom and he will have some responsibility and..." Harry was saying. "Harry. Stop." you said cutting him off. "what?" He sapped. "Harry he is not responsible enough for his own phone, let alone responsible to go to the movies by himself." You said sternly. "That is why he needs a phone, to learn to be responsible." Harry pleaded. "Harry I will think about it but I about 90 percent sure this is not going to happen." You said walking away. "But (YN) You said it yourself! You got a phone for protection. He needs it for protection." Harry said. "Harry he doesn't have to worry about protection because he isn't going anywhere alone until he can be responsible enough to hand in his home work on time." You said raising your voice. "Oh C'mon.." Harry yelled in your son's defense. "Harry no." You said as you walked away.

Zayn: "(YN) I do not care I am not letting my 14 year old daughter go on birth control!" Zayn said as you two sat in the living room, while your daughter Nia was at a friends house. "Zayn the doctor said that is the best option for her!" You said frustrated. "It's not like she is having sex!" You said trying to persuade Zayn. "How bad can her cramps be?" Zayn said. "Zayn you're a guy you don't understand it. Cramps hurt worse than you think they do and her period is very irregular which makes it stressful for her!" You said trying to explain this to Zayn. "I don't like the fact that she can think that now that she is on birth control It is okay for her to run around and have sex with people!" Zayn said still not understanding why you wanted Nia on birth control. "Zayn really. My parents put me on it when I was 12!" You said. "(YN) I don't want my daughter on birth control." Zayn simply said. "Zayn you don't want your daughter to grow up is the problem." You said under your breath. "What was that?" Zayn snipped. "Zayn you don't want her to grow up." You said a little louder. "And you do?" He snapped back. "Zayn I didn't say that but I don't want her in pain and I would hope you wouldn't want that either." You said tears coming to your eyes. "(YN) I'm sorry..." Zayn said softly. "You're right." Zayn said. "I'm sorry too.." You said walking over to Zayn. "Can I get a kiss." You said as a few tears escaped your eyes and Zayn gave you a big long kiss.

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