This Is The Beginning of The End

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This Is The Beginning of The End

"Before existence sparked to life, there was nothing but darkness. Everything that could exist, didn't. Because she knew her creation—The Astrum—wasn't ready to thrive on its own." Time Spectre's voice prickled on their scalp.

"So Pralaya held on, even when it hurt. She held on until the spark, became an infinitude. Once she let go, existence was born."

Darkness. Unending and unbound darkness. Icy, and bitter with unbeing, the darkness laid at rest. Locked tight around them. They could hardly breathe. Ice froze their lungs solid.

Then, there was light. Raging and unresting light. Everywhere the spark touched, grew into a force. The darkness screamed in agony and relief and birthed infinite possibility. From that light—from the Source—the Sphere of The Gods was created.

"Angered, yet protective, Pralaya knew the Astrum could not maintain itself without help. So she gifted them a Hand. This Hand could take the Astrum's light—the Source—and maintain it. She was the first of the first. Her name is Perpetua."

Her fiery eyes blazed to life within the Sphere of Gods. They could swallow planets. Volatile energy swirled within them.

"Bitch created the first Multiverse. In the beginning, she stayed true to the original HBIC. She imbued the Multiverse with all of the necessary forces to maintain itself and feed the Source. She made beings, too. Mobius, Mar Novu, Alpheus. They called themselves the Monitors. She called them her children."

Alister squinted as he looked into Perpetua's eyes. They flickered orange, then green, then orange again. Her treacherous claws scraped through existence. She conjoined her children from the scraps of existence left behind. With the twist of her hand, she empowered them.

3 distinct auras set them apart. Magenta antimatter undulated around his ghoulish skin while Mar Novu's positive matter aura warmed the earths.

Alister's eyes froze on Alpheus. He towered his siblings. His blue, metallic skin had an otherworldly glow. The hammer in his hand pulsed. The rhythm matched his heartbeat.

"I don't need to explain what or who they are to you. You were there when Supernova put an end to the Crisis, and you were there to put an end to Supernova. But what you don't know, is that you were there before it began." Time Spectre said.

The pulse in Alpheus' hammer grew louder. Alister felt it hammer in his throat as he breathed in. "The Hammer," He whispered.

"Good, you're paying attention. 'Cause this is where it gets fucked up. See, in creating The Monitors, she basically made beings who could do every aspect of her job forever. She served her purpose. It was time to return her energy back into the Source. She refused, and decided she deserved to live in and control her creation.. And if she couldn't, she wouldn't go quietly."

Perpetua took Earth and Mars into her hands. She smashed them together. The collision was explosive. Alister shielded his eyes.

Abel watched on. Their eyes entranced by her movements. They watched her electrify the debris. The white-hot light was illuminated her harsh grin. Orange flames rose from her eyes as she merged the planets. Her lips parted.

Her bloodcurdling laughter echoed throughout the cosmos. It rattled Abel's bones. They leaned into their father.

"Turns out, she was pretty psycho from the jump. She was secretly building an army of creatures she called Apex Predators. Ugly SOB's, honestly."

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