End At The Beginning

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End At The Beginning

A terrible scream woke them.

"Awaken!" Her command struck them with enough force to collapse worlds. To bring light to darkness.

A bolt of agony crashed throughout Abel. Their eyes snapped open. White light burned them blind. A grunt stung it's way from their throat.

A force invaded them; coursed through them like poison in their veins. It yanked them upright. The next scream was their own. It lasted but a second. An invisible hand sealed it in their throat.

They had no way to let it out. It refused to go.

The virus within churned at an excruciating pace. It hacked away at every fiber of them. This virus, this force, it lifted them into the air. Into the light.

Into the fire of a trillion exploding universes. 

Another scream cut through their being. This one belonging to neither Abel or her. It was his. It was Calvin's.

The invisible hand grew to encompass their entire body. It fed the force within. It deepened the knives. It caged their agony.

In their silent torment, her voice boomed once more. It snuffed out the light. Her words formed a world. Her corruption seeped from the creation.

One wrought up from death and destruction. A harsh amber light illuminated the rusty skies. Fiery explosions flashed in the sky like lightning. Space debris showered the planet.

It battered the war-torn surface. Razed cities were reduced to concrete deserts under the debris. Oceans of blood spat about Lovecraftian beasts.

Knots screwed tight in Abel's stomach. They gagged on pain. Vomit, like pain, was caged in their throat. Dread claimed the dark spots taking their eyes once more.

The monsters of shadow raced beings of light toward a beacon. A flash of emerald every second. They could feel every flicker. Like a pulse.

A heartbeat.

"Haven't you grown tired?" Her voice grated through them. The little that remained of their bearings fizzled to nothing. Only she remained. 

"Time after time," She continued. Her voice spawned a sea of Apex Predators. They washed over a battlefield. A wave of corruption.

3 Brothers stood against the sea of monsters. The Monitors, Perpetua's children. The wave swallowed them whole. A beacon of emerald light flashed.

The light reduced the wave to nothing more than embers. It warped the entire world. So much so, that Abel could see the world trickle into alternate streams of time. Infinite patterns layered into infinite universes.

Each of them cascaded away and back. Beginning and ending at the exact same point. This point.

Abel wondered where they were. They wondered why this place—this moment—was so important? Each time it began and ended, it was different. Different, yet somehow the same.

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