Even A Worm Will Turn

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Even A Worm Will Turn


"She's insane," Said Jaime. He turned from Mongal's frozen face on the viewing screen. He looked at Abel, then the others. "They're not just gonna hand him over, right?"

"We're talking about Thanagar, here," Tulip said. "Of course they're gonna hand him over. This place is the definition of cutthroat."

"That's not true," Said Abel. "Thanagar isn't perfect, but the people aren't so...cruel. They won't turn Snow over to her."

"Bel's right," Said Tim. "But not because Thanagar's a bleeding heart. They won't hand Snow over because he's dangerous. The trial just proved that in Mongal's hands he could be a world-killing weapon. The Thanagarian government may be a lot of things, but stupid isn't on the list."

"So what do we do? We just sit here like sitting ducks, hoping the invisibility shields don't kick the bucket on us?" Argued Tulip.

"What can we do? There's no way we're getting past the planetary shields in this thing and that army outside the window is bound to sniff us out eventually. Whether the invisibility shields are on or not." Jaime said.

Abel looked to Rachel just as she looked to them. "What do you think?" They asked in unison. Abel motioned for her to go first.

"I think we're in a bad spot. We're directly between the shield and the army. If they get trigger happy, we're in the crossfire. We need to get behind them without alerting them." She said as she trailed her index finger along the navigation system.

"I can try but I would need to fully integrate the Scarab with the computer. I tried not to for Starfire's sake but..."

"..But our lives are at stake." Finished Tim. "Do it."

Jaime nodded. His suit swallowed him whole. It hissed as ports elongated from his fingers and connected with the motherboard. Golden light twinkled in his eyes. "Almost there."

"I was thinking," Began Abel. "Maybe I could pretend to be Snow and get close enough to Mongal to--y'know."

"Okay now you sound insane." Jaime practically broke his neck to look at his person. "Bel, you can barely keep Blip on this side of the Ether when you're on your meds. How are you gonna shapeshift?"

"Wait, you can shapeshift?" Asked Tulip.

"I can--and I've been practicing using my powers while inhibited. Besides, I just pulled a god out of a ring. I think growing wings is a cakewalk compared to that."

"Apples to oranges," Jaime argued.

"Jaime's right, Bel, I don't like the idea of you anywhere near Mongal." Said Tim. "Alister would legit kill us if anything happened to you."

"I don't need to be near her," Said Abel. "I can astral project."

"Who taught you that?" Asked Rachel.

"You did."

A pregnant pause captured the group. It was heavy. Almost stifling. Each time the reality that Abel and Jaime were from the future struck, it left no victims.

"So, what, you pretend to be Snow and then what? What if she tries to touch you?"

"She won't be close enough. Besides, I wasn't finished with my plan... I pretend to be Snow while you guys find a vantage point and blow that keg stand while she's doing a villain monologue or something."

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