Arranged Love...

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Eliana Jade Alvarez is a total daddy's girl and her mom is one of her best friends. Although she doesn't consider herself a goodie two shoes she has never gone against her parents. She's a friendly person and loves a good laugh and hanging out with friends. Although Ellie won't sing in front of anyone it's something she loves doing and music is something fundamental in her life. Although she is very pretty she has never had a boyfriend, not because she's never been asked out, but because her parents won't allow it. Ellie doesn't mind being single though, she has amazing friends and doesn't need a guy to have fun, but what happens when she find out the reason her parents don't allow her to date? How will Ellie act when she finds out she's arranged to marry her dads best friends son? Will Ellie find love at last or will her and her new fiancee butt heads? Read on and go through this journey of life, love, and marriage.

Hey guys I know this isn't great but this is the first story I write. Comment, fan, and vote! Let me know what you think. All feedback helps its my first story so suggestions are greatly appreciated, Thanks!! :-)

- Sam

****Just a Heads Up***

This story is not edited so it will have several grammar and spelling mistakes, I'm sorry I haven't gotten to it but I will, I'm not 100% sure when exactly, I have gone back and made some changes on different parts that have been pointed out to me or that I've stumbled across but I haven't read all the way through this since I wrote it, so please keep that in mind. Also please keep in mind that this is the first story I have EVER written so I know there are bound to be things that don't add up or missing pieces and again I apologize. I don't think there's so many errors that it's unreadable but if you decided you don't want to read it because it hasn't been edited I completely understand. To everyone that has read it THANK YOU!! You don't know how much it means to me that you've taken time to read something that I put together, and I really hope you enjoyed it. To those of you who do choose to read it despite the errors thank you and I can't wait to hear what you think of it! 


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