Can't sleep

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It was after three in the morning and I couldn’t sleep, after we came back from the beach we showered and us girls stayed in watching movies and pigging out while the guys took Vince out for a few hours to celebrate his birthday. A little after one the girls decided to call it a night so I went up to my room and laid there staring at the ceiling until sleep finally came. I hadn’t been asleep long when I felt Noah climb into bed with me, I tried to go back to sleep but it was useless, it didn’t take him long to crash so once I knew he was out for the night I slipped out of bed and came out here to the deck. Now I’m out here all alone sitting on the steps leading to the beach looking out at the ocean as the wind whips my hair around, it actually really peaceful out here.

I heard the door slide open and close behind me but I didn’t check to see who it was, instead I kept my eyes on the waves as they crashed to the shore.

“You okay?” Noah asked sitting behind me and wrapping his arm around me to gently pull me into his chest

“Yeah, just couldn’t sleep.” I shrugged letting my head fall back onto his chest

“What’s on your mind?” He rested his chin on the top of my head

“Nothing really, I was just thinking about how peaceful it is our here right now.” I sighed

“Can I ask you something?” He asked after a few minutes of silence had past

“Sure.” I turned so I could see his face

“Why didn’t you just tell Alex and Gabe about the arrangement?” He asked with curiosity clear in his eyes

“It just didn’t feel right, I mean I know we didn’t start of on the best of terms and I honestly thought this would never work, but I’m not so sure about that now. You’re not anything like I thought you would be and the more I get to know you the more I can see myself spending the rest of my life with you.” I explained feeling a blush creep into my cheeks towards the end

I hadn’t meant to say all that, but it was true, the more time we spent together the more I felt like maybe our parents knew what they were doing after all. I mean don’t get me wrong, I would never do this to my kid because I want them to live and find love on their own, but Noah and I made each other whole. He was outgoing, fun and carefree while I was more reserved and serious, but when we were together he make me come out my shell and act my age, he made me enjoy life in a way I never have.

“I’m glad you feel that way because I can see myself being with you for the rest of my life too, I knew there was something special about you the day I meet you it just took me a while to brake down those walls of yours and find out what that was. You’re not like any girl I’ve ever met and you make me want to be a better person.” He admitted before bringing his lips to mine

The kiss started as a slow, gentle one but quickly turned more heated. I was now straddling Noah lap with my arms around his neck and my hands in his hair, while his hands we’re holding onto my hips. He gently bit my bottom lip asking for entrance and I didn’t hesitate to let him in, his had moved to grab my bottom as he stood picking me up with him, my legs instantly wrapped themselves around his waist as he cared me back inside.

I heard the door close behind him and a few seconds later he was laying me back onto the sofa as his lips made their way down my neck, it didn’t take him long to find my soft spot an make me slip out a moan.

“Noah” I tried protesting but it came out more as a moan than anything else

When he started making his way back to my lips I pushed him away slightly so he would stop.

“What’s wrong?” He asked looking into my eyes

“Vince is down here and I really don’t want my brother walking in on us like this .” I said my voice coming out slightly above a whisper

“Relax, no one is going to catch us.” He whispered before bringing his lips back to mine

His hand we’re making there way under my shirt so I stopped them before they could reach there destination.

“Not here.” I managed to get out between kisses

Instead of stopping what we had started to respond, he picked me up bridal style and made his way upstairs and into our bedroom.



 I know the last couple of chapters have been kinda short and boring so I apologize, I've been kinda stuck on where I want the story to go. I'll update as soon as possible, vote and comment and let me know what you think or if you have any ideas. Thanks for sticking with me through this, i'll try to make it worth the wait.

                            -Sam :)



























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