Birthday pt.1

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**** Ellie's P.O.V ****

I couldn't stop thinking about my conversation with Sophie on our way to the restaurant, I knew I would have to talk to Noah I just didn't want to ruin whatever we had going on between us right now.

"Hey stop worrying, you don't have to talk to him tonight, just do it before you drive yourself crazy." Sophie said resting her head on my shoulder

I just nodded hoping that I wouldn't give anything away when I saw him.

"We're here" mom said waking both Sophie and I up from our short nap. It had been a long day and I was ready to just go home and go to bed, but I needed to see how dad was doing now that he didn't have any machine connected to him.

When we walked in mom told the host we were with Noah who had already gotten there so we were shown to the table.

"Hey, how did it go with the wedding dresses?" Noah asked pulling out my chair for me

"Good, I found my dress and there altering it to fit perfect. How did the errands go, did you get everything you need?"

"Yup, Vince helped a lot."

"Where is he?" Mom asked

"He had something he needed to do, but he said he'll meet us at the hospital."

After making small talk for a while the waiter took our order and we were served not to long after that.

"So I hear it's your birthday tomorrow, got anything special planned?" Lisa asked

"Not really, I'm just turning 18 so it's not a big deal."

"That is so a big deal, and yes you do have plans." Sophie said giving Noah a knowing look

"Are you going along too" mom asked Noah

"Yep, can't miss my fiances birthday." Noah said giving me a kiss on the cheek

Mom started going on about what we could do tomorrow night and how she was glad I was home for my birthday, but I wasn't paying too much attention. About an hour later we were all done and on our way to the hospital.

"Why don't you go with Noah" mom asked as I was getting ready to head to her car

"Fine" I said knowing that was an argument I didn't feel like having

I know I was pulling all my walls back up but it was hard not to with all the thoughts going through my head right now. I wanted to let him in and have him be the guy that I could trust, but I was still unsure of how he felt and I didn't want to jump and have no one there to catch me.

"I know that look, what's wrong?" Noah asked, not taking his eyes off the road

"Nothing, just have a lot on my mind." I told him not turing away from the window

"You know you can talk to me right?" He asked taking my hand and giving it a small squeeze

"I know." I said giving him a small smile

We didn't talk much after that but Noah didn't let go of my hand, and that gave me a lot of comfort.

We didn't stay at the hospital long. Vince was already there and he said he got to talk to the doctor before he left for the day. So far dad was doing good without the machines helping him stay alive and they were going to keep an eye on him tonight. Mom was looking tired so we decided to leave so she could get some rest.

**** Noah's P.O.V ****

I had woken up early to make breakfast for Ellie, but that was taking a lot longer than planned since I wasn't exactly the best at cooking.

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