This is really happening...

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*********I want to thank damon4life for the new book cover... its awesome!!!*********

"Ellie... Sweetheart... can you hear me?" I can faintly make out my moms voice asking

I slowly open my eyes and take in my surrounding, everyone is looking at me with concern written all over their faces, what just happened.

"What's everyone staring at?" I ask thoroughly confused.

"Sweetie, you fainted after you heard you have to get married within the next couple of months." Lisa answered.

Oh God it's real! I thought I was going to wake up from a nightmare and this was all going to disappear. Ok, breathe Ellie, you don't want to go fainting again.

"Okay... so is there anything else that I should know before this eventful night comes to an end?" I ask praying that there's nothing else my parents have conveniently left out.

"Well... You'll be moving in with Noah on Sunday so you should probably start packing." Mr. Garcia tells me.

"WHAT!?!" I exclaim. What happened to waiting till you're married to move in together.

"Did you know about all of this?" I ask turning to Noah.

"Of course, I've known about this for a few years now." He replies with an irritating smirk on his face.

"You have got to be kidding me!! Why has he known for years and I'm just now finding out about all of this?" I ask my parents, tears starting to form in my eyes.

"Sweetie, we knew you would react this way and we didn't want you to carry this burden around till you had to." dad said.

"Why did you agree to any of this? You've known about it for years, couldn't you have tried to find a way out of this? I know you can't be okay with this, you don't know me and I'm pretty sure I'm not your type, so why go along with all of this?" I asked turning my tear streaked face to Noah.

I really didn't want any of them to see me like this, but I needed answers and I couldn't control how I was feeling anymore.

"I didn't really have a choice Eliana, our parents had a contract written up, this is all legally binding. Plus it was either agree to it or get disinherited, and I wasn't about to let that happen." Noah answered.

Great so this was all just about money for him, not only was he a jerk but all he cared about was money. Didn't he ever want to find someone he loves to marry, oh and don't think that I didn't catch that he didn't disagree with me about me not being his type.

"I'm going to bed, it's been a long day and I just need to be by myself. Goodnight everyone." I said heading towards the stairs.

Who in the world is calling me? Odd... that's the ring tone for numbers not saved to my phone.

Mama told me not to waste my life

She said spread your wings my little butterfly

Don't let what they say keep you up at night

And if they give you shhhh..

Then they can walk on by

Where did I leave my phone last night? I get out of bed looking around my room for my phone when I spot it on my dresser.

"Hello?" I answer unsure of who's calling.

"Eliana? Are you still in bed? Hurry up and get dressed, I'll be there in 30 minutes."

Umm... am I supposed to know who this is? I look at my phone screen, well it's an unknown number.

"Umm... who is this?" I ask confused, as I wait for a response I hear the person chuckle on the other end of the line.

"Do you not recognize your own fiancé's voice?" He asks

Great... how did he even get my number.

"Why are you on your way over? I have plans to meet up with some friends in an hour so I don't really have time right now."

"Oh don't you miss me already sweetie pie?" He chuckles

"Not exactly, I could probably go the rest of my life without seeing you and I'd be good, now what do you want I have to go, places to go and people to see." I replied getting irritated.

"Well our parents thought it would be a good idea for us to spend some time together before we fly out so we can be a little more comfortable living with each other, so I'll see you in 20" he says and hangs up.

Wait a minute, FLY out... where exactly do the Garcia's live?!?

After taking a quick shower and brushing my teeth I hurry to my room to get dressed. My plan is to be out of the house before Noah gets here so we don't have to spend the day together. I already have to spend the rest of my life with him, can't I have one last day of freedom.

After getting dressed and straightening my haIr I put on some eyeliner and mascara with a little lip gloss and head out the door. Thankfully I'm out of the house before Noah gets there, hey I told him I had plans already, it's his fault he didn't listen.

***** NOAH'S POV *****

As I pull up to Eliana's house I notice that one of the cars that was here yesterday is missing. She better not have left after I told her I was already on my way. As I get to the front door I ring the bell and wait for someone to answer the door, after a few minutes I ring it again. She knew I was on my way, what's taking her so long to answer the door. After a few seconds the door opens revealing Eliana's mom, Gemma.

"Good Morning Mrs. Alverez, is Eliana here?" I ask. I notice she looks a little embarrassed, I wonder what that's about.

"I'm sorry Noah, you just missed her. She was heading to the mall to meet up with some friends before you all fly out tomorrow." she informs me.

Really, Eliana, you knew I was on my way you couldn't just waited 5 minutes.

"Oh it's okay Mrs. Alvarez, do you know what mall she was going to, maybe I can meet her there and I can get to meet some of her friends." I ask trying to hide my annoyance.

"Noah that's a great idea, I'm sure Ellie will be thrilled. Oh and please call me Gemma, we're going to be family soon." she says with a smile on her face.

After Gemma gave me directions to the mall Eliana was at I practically sped over there. On the drive I started to think about what life was going to be like when we got back to New York, it was going to be so weird having someone living with me, not even Melissa, my girlfriend, has ever lived with me. I mean yeah she's spent the night and left the next morning, but that's it.

As I pull into the parking lot of the mall I spot Eliana's crossfire parked and the spot next to it is open. After I park I jump out and head into the mall, Gemma said she'd probably be in the food court since that's where she usually meets up with her friends so I make my way over there.

Looking around the food court I spot Eliana with two other girls, she's just wearing some white short with a red white and blue plaid shirt, but she looks beautiful, not that I would ever tell her that. Taking out my phone I go through my contacts till I find her name.

"What do you want Noah, I'm kind of busy." she answers, annoyance clear in her voice.

"Turn around sweetheart." I tell her and hang up.

okay guys here's the next chapter. I know it's not the best but things are going to start getting more interesting once they move in together.



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