Sad News

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****Ellie’s P.O.V.****

“I’ll give you a minute to clean up.” Alice said handing me something to clean the gel off with 

“Thanks.” I smiled before she left the room 

I had just finished cleaning myself off when Noah’s phone went off, he fished it out of his pocked and a frown instantly replace the smile that had just occupied his face. 

“Is everything okay?” I asked concerned 

“I should take this, I’ll be back.” He kissed my forehead as he walked out 

“I wonder that was about.” Sofi said her eyes still on the door Noah had just walked through 

I just shrugged still too thrilled about what I had just experienced. 

“Okay, you’re all done, here are your pictures and they’ll schedule your next appointment on your way out.” She smiled handing me two copies 

“Thank you.” I smiled hopping off the table 

I followed Sofi out and back to the front desk to schedule my next appointment, once I had finished up we looked around for Noah but he wasn’t inside. 

“Maybe he went to get the car.” Sof suggested 

I nodded leading the way, as soon as I stepped out I spotted him pacing back and forth with a frown on his face and the phone to his ear. 

“This doesn’t look good.” I muttered 

“Come on lets go see what’s up.” 

When we were a few feet away Noah’s head snapped up and he tried giving a smile but I wasn’t buying it, something was definitely wrong. 

“I’m on my way to the airport now I should be there in a few hours.” He said holding up a finger to stop us from questioning him 

“Okay, bye.” He hung up 

“What’s wrong?” Sofi asked as soon as his phone was away from his face 

“That was Mel’s sister” He paused looking at me 

“What happened?” I asked when he didn’t finish 

“She lost the baby.” He said just above a whisper, his eyes never leaving mine 

“How? What happened?” I question closing the distance between us 

“I’m not to sure, she’s in the hospital right now and refusing to talk to me.” He said the hurt apparent in his voice 

The tone of his voice sent a jolt of pain straight to my heart but I wasn’t sure if it was for his situation or because he was sad Melissa wouldn’t talk to him. 

“We should get you to the airport.” I said trying to sound as normal as possible 

Now was not the time for me to be jealous, Noah was hurt and Melissa had just lost her baby, the last thing Noah needed was a jealous fiancée. 

I took the keys from him knowing he wasn’t in the right state of mind to drive. 

“Are you okay to drive?” Sofi asked catching up to me while Noah was a few steps behind 

“I’m fine.” I nodded 

I unlocked the doors sliding into the drivers seat and buckling up, I started the car as they got in and buckled up. 

The ride was silent the whole way, I was thankful for the radio in times like this. 

“I’ll wait in here, call me and let me know what happens.” Sofi said as Noah opened the doors 

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