Love at First Sight

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Decided to dedicate this to KeithtyKeith13 for being my first reader to vote on this part and a few others, Thank you soooo much! :)

****Ellie’s P.O.V.****

“So, what did they say? When do we get to find out if I’m having a niece or nephew?” Sofi questioned meeting us at the door as soon as we got home 

“I’ve lost 10 pounds.” I frowned 

I know most girls would be thrilled and if the situation was different so would I but I had a little person growing in me and instead of gaining weight I’ve lost it. 

“But everything is fine.” Noah chimed in when he noticed the look of concern on her face 

“Good, you scared me for a minute.” She scolded me 

“What else did they say?” She persisted following me into the kitchen 

I grabbed a bottle of water and an apple hoping it would hold my hunger until I could whip something together. 

“They just asked a butch of questions and did some blood work and made sure I was in good health.” I shrugged taking a bite of the apple 

“Did they do a sonogram?” She asked bouncing off her seat 

“No, we have an appointment for the 6th.” I pouted 

I was really hoping to get to see the baby sooner, I feel like once I see him or her it will make it feel more real, the fact that I have a human being growing in me hasn’t really sunk in yet. 

“So Noah isn’t going with you?” Her eyebrows furrowed looking past me at her brother who had just walked in 

“I’m going, I rescheduled my flight and will fly out right after the appointment.”  He answered coming up to stand behind me 

“Have you talked to Mel?” She asked sneaking a quick look to see if she had upset me by bringing her up 

“Yes and she’s fine, her sister is staying with her until I can get there.” 

“When do you get the DNA results back?” She asked 

“Hopefully soon, they said it should take a week so hopefully I’ll get the call before I fly out.” 

“Yeah, it would suck for you to leave your pregnant fiancée to take care of you Ex girlfriend and find out it’s not even yours.” 

“Tell me about it.” He muttered 

“So what if it’s not yours?” Sofi asked hesitantly 

“Then it’s not mine.” He shrugged 

“You wouldn’t feel upset or mad or anything?” 

“No, I don’t really have a connection to that baby right now so I don’t think it would bother me too much.” 

I could hear the honesty in his voice but I had to wonder if that was really true, I mean he had to love Melissa at some point and he has to have thought about this baby more then he’s let on. 

“You feeling okay?” Noah asked breaking me out of thoughts 

I nodded smiling at him. 

“So I was thinking you could come with us to the sonogram on Wednesday and then go with me to drop Noah off at the airport.” I said breaking eye contact with Noah to face Sofi 

I could feels Noah’s gaze still locked on me and I know he was probably thinking I was upset because they were talking about Mel and their baby but I’ve decided not to let it stress me out too much, I have to start thinking about my health and my baby. 

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