Not Giving Up

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Decided to update a day earlier than I had origanally planned, I hope you guys are enjoying the story. 

It hadn’t felt like I had been asleep very long when I felt someone messing with the IV in my arm bringing me back to the land of the living. 

Once my eyes had adjusted I looked over to find a nurse with my chart in her hand. 

“I’m sorry I woke you, I was just fixing the IV.” She whispered 

I didn’t see why she was whispering since I was already awake until her eyes glanced to the other side of my bed, I followed her gaze thinking my mom had fallen asleep but was shocked when my eyes landed on Noah slumped over in the chair asleep. 

“Do you know how long he’s been here?” I asked the nurse turning back to her 

"I started my shift about an hour ago and he was already here, it sounded liked he’d been here for awhile though from when your last nurse told me."

“What time is it?” I asked trying to find something to tell me the time 

“It’s ten past twelve.” She said glancing down at her watch 

“Thanks. Umm… Do you by any chance know when I can go home?” 

“I’m not sure, your doctor should be by sometime in the morning to check up on you and if he thinks everything looks good he’ll probably let you go home then.” 

“Okay, thank you.”

“No problem, if you need anything just press the button.” She said replacing the chart and leaving me alone with Noah 

I sat there for a while just taking everything about him in, I hadn’t realize how much I had missed having him around until now and it actually hurt a lot more than I thought it would to have him so close knowing things weren’t the same between us, but then I reminded myself that I had made that decision and pushed that sadness aside. 

“Noah.” I whispered hoping he would wake up 

I waited but didn’t get a response so I called his name a little louder and this time he stirred a bit and slowly opened his eye. 

“Hey, how do you feel?” He asked sitting up in his chair 

“I’m good, you should go home and get some sleep, I’m going to be here until tomorrow unless the doctor decides I need to stay longer.” 

“I’m fine here.” 

“Noah that’s really not necessary, go home and get some sleep, you can come back tomorrow.” I sighed not having the energy for this 

“I’m not going to leave the girl I love and who’s carrying my baby here to fend for herself, go back to sleep and I’ll be here when you wake up.” He insisted

“Noah…” I sighed in frustration

“Your not getting me out of here unless you call security to come escort me out.” He challenged 

“Fine, stay but I’m not talking about anything that has to do with us.” I caved letting my head fall back onto the pillow and closing my eyes 

“I hadn’t planned on it.” He said before silence filled the room 

I tried forgetting that he was here and going back to sleep but it was useless, I was wide awake now and I could feel him staring at me. 

“Why are you staring at me?” I grumbled opening my eyes to look at him 

“It’s been a month since the last time I saw you and you’ve changed.” He pointed out 

“Yeah, you can tell I’m pregnant now.” I shrugged 

“Yeah but it’s not just that, You dyed your hair and you look a lot more content then the last time I saw you.” He said with a glum expression 

“Yeah well according to the doctor I’m a lot more stressed than I should be.” I said making him frown deeper

“Look I know you don’t want us to talk about what happened with us but we have to talk, or are you just going to pretend I don’t exist?” He sat forward eager for my response 

“That would be kind of hard to do when I’m pregnant with your baby.” I mumbled 

“Is that the only thing stopping you from forgetting about me?” 

“Of course not Noah but that’s not enough to make this work.” I said pointing between the two of us 

“I hadn’t even realized we weren’t working until you left, I thought we were doing fine.” He slumped back into his chair 

“You weren’t around enough to realize it.” i mumbled

“That’s not fair, you know what I was dealing with. We had talked about things and you made it seem like you understood why I had to be there for her.” 

“Yeah I did but that was until after you found out Melissa’s baby wasn’t yours, her well being was still more important than your relationship with me. It shouldn’t have taken me being admitted to the hospital to make you contact me.” I glared trying to keep my emotions in check

“I haven’t been in New York for over a week now.” He sighed 

“You haven’t talked to me in over two.” I pointed out

“I was trying to give you space, I know you El and if I would have come crawling back to you I wouldn’t have gotten anywhere with you, if fact you would have probably pushed me further away.” 

I didn’t argue with that knowing he was probably right, I do tend to shut myself off and just push everyone away, no matter who they are. 

“I know I’ve given you plenty of reasons to doubt me but I promise I’m not going anywhere, I’m not giving up on us.” He said once he saw I wasn’t going to argue, taking my hand in his

“We’re not picking up where we left off, we rushed into things and I think that’s why we keep having the problems we have.” 

“So where does that leave us?” He asked hesitantly 

I wasn’t exactly sure where this left us if I was being honest. 

“I don’t know, but we’re not getting married anytime soon, we’re not ready for that right now.” 

“But we’re ready for a baby?” He chuckled 

“Well no, but there isn’t much I can do about that now.” I frowned 

“We’ll take baby steps, we don’t have to decide anything right now okay, why don’t you try to get some rest for now.” He said lifting my hand to his lips and placing a small kiss on the back of it 

I nodded my head knowing that even though we haven’t had the easiest relationship I wouldn’t change anything I’ve been through with him for anything and I was willing to do whatever it took to let him be a part of my life if that was really what he wants. 

Thanks you for sticking with me through this story so far and I really hope you're enjoying it. I try not to do this too often but if you could please leave a comment or vote so I know if you're enjoying it or if there is something you think i need to fix please let me know. 

Thanks :)

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