Hospital Stay

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****Noah's P.O.V.****

"It's been TWO WEEKS Noah, what the hell are you waiting for?" Sofi shrieked over the phone 

"Will you please calm down, I don't know how much more of your yelling my ears can take." I sighed 

"Can you stop sitting on your ass and do something to get Ellie to take you back?" 

"Look as much as I hate knowing she called the whole thing off and moved out of the house I know how her mind works and me calling her right now isn't going to help anything." 

"Then get your ass on a plane and come see her, I can't believe you're still there taking care of Melissa when your relationship to the girl you claim to love and is pregnant with you baby, MY niece or nephew, is here moving on with her life without you." 

"It's been two weeks, I'm sure she hasn't exactly moved on." 

"Don't be so sure of you self, according to Chase her and her mom went looking at houses the other day." She informed me 

I know the fact that I haven't talked to Ellie and I don't sound panicked right now is probably pissing her off right now but I can't let her know that I'm actually going through hell right now, I have to take care of this on my own , without anyone interfering or putting pressure on either of us to make things work. 

"Just let me take care of this my own way, besides weren't you the one telling me I needed to let her go just a few weeks ago?" I challenged 

"Well yeah, but I knew you'd never listen to me. If I'm being honest I was just wanting to make sure you were sure about your feeling for El." She admitted 

"Why would you feel you had to do that?" I asked, genuinely curious 

"Let's be honest here, things kind of moved pretty fast between the two of you." She pointed 

"Well yeah, I mean we were engaged before we had even met." 

"Yeah Noah but it didn't take long for you to say I love you and for the two of you to sleep together either." She scoffed

"So what makes you think that if you questioned our relationship that Ellie isn't doing the exact same thing?" 

"That's exactly what I'm afraid of, I mean you aren't exactly proving  your feelings to her if you don't call her or come and see her, if fact you're only proving her right by staying there with Mel." 

"Look I only have to tell you this once because I shouldn't have to prove my love for her to anyone except her, I'm in love with Ellie and I would do anything for her. I know we moved fast but that's because I knew the moment I met her that there was something different about her, she's special. I'm going to fix things between us but I'm going to give her some time to herself before I do anything." I tried explaining 

"I hear what you're saying but if that's true then what are you still doing there with Mel?" She question with doubt clear in her voice 

"I'm not with Mel, I'm not even in New York anymore, but that's all I'm telling you for now." I made sure to add so she wouldn't question me

"Awe come on! Maybe I can help you put your plan into action." 

"That's exactly why I'm not telling you anything, I have to do this on my own." I chuckled at the excitement in her voice 

****Ellie's P.O.V.****

My two days are up and mom is bugging me about making a decision but it's just so hard. Cindy sent mom an e-mail with pictures of all the houses so she could show them to dad and although he agrees with mom that the last house would be good security wise he agrees with me that one of the other two houses is more practical for just me and a baby, especially because they're closer to them than the other one. 

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