Dad's Home

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"Ellie, baby wake up." Noah whispered

"What time is it?" I groaned

"About 8, but we have to go get ready so we can go with your mom to the hospital." He said wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing the top of my head

After mom had left and Lisa and Aaron had gone up to their room, Noah, Sofie, Vince and I decided to stay up and watch more movies. Sometime during the second movie Noah laid out on the sofa pulling me on top of him and I ended up falling asleep before the movie ended.

"I can't get up with you holding me to you." I laughed, lifting my head to give him a quick kiss

"You make it hard to let you go when you kiss me like that." He smiled before pulling my lips back to his

"We should go, mom is probably already up." I said pulling away and pushing his arm away so I could stand up

"Fine, let's go." Noah pouted, standing up and taking my hand

"Brother!" I whisper yelled in Vinces ear hoping I didn't wake Sofie

"What?" He mumbled with his eyes still closed

"Noah and I are going home so we can get dressed and pick up dad. I'll see you later, don't forget we're all having dinner at mom and dads."

"Okay, be careful and tell dad I'll see him later."

"I will, bye." I said leaning down and kissing his cheek

Vince and I are only three years apart and have always been close, he's one of my best friends.

"Has your dad said anything about when we're flying back?" I asked on our way home

"No, but I have been thinking about that."

"Really, what have you been thinking?" I smirked

"I know you don't really want to go back so I wanted to talk with dad and see if I can take some time off work and we can spend time here until the wedding." He said with a quick glance my way to see my reaction

"Noah you don't have to do that, do you really want to put work aside and spend that much time away from your life?"

"With all the money I've saved and my inheritance from my grandfather, plus the one I'm getting in a few years from dad, I have enough money to last a while. I don't work for fun, I do it because it keeps me busy and out of trouble. I really don't have to have anything to do with the company until dad retires in a few years." He explained

"I'm not worried about the money, I just don't want you to give up your whole life for me,It's not fare to you." I frowned

"If we went to New York you'd be doing the same thing for me, so I don't see the big deal." He grumbled

"It's different for me, I don't have a job I'm giving up. Look I love that you're willing to do this for me but only do it if you can be happy here, I don't want you to regret making this decision."

"I've though a lot about this and I'm sure. I still have to talk to dad and make sure he's okay with it but I wanted to run it by you first."

"As long as you're sure than I'm good." I told him with a smile

Once we got home Noah went upstairs to shower and get dressed while I went to find mom.

"Mom" I called out knocking on her door

"Come in!" I heard through the door

"Hey mom, I just came to let you know we just got back, as soon as Noah is out of the shower I'll get in and we can leave." I told her sitting on her bed

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