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**** Ellie's P.O.V ****

It's been a week since my dads accident and things are finally start to look good, his cuts and bruses are starting to heal and they've taken a few of the tubes and wires out.

Noah has been great, he's at the hospital with me everyday until visiting hour are over. I know my feeling for him have definetly grown since we got here but I'm scared to show it and not know how he'll react.

"You ready to go?" Noah asks as he walks into the room.

We stayed at a hotel the first few night so we could be close to the hospital in case we got a call at night from the them, but since dads health has improved some we've been staying with my mom so she won't be alone.

The first night here was weird because mom decided to put Noah and I in my room, it was awkward to have a boy sleeping in my bed in my parents house, even if we weren't doing anything.

"Yeah, let me just grab my purse, I'll meet you at the car."

We're using my car since it stayed here when I went to New York.

As I climb into the car and put my seat belt on Noah messes with the radio until he finds a song he likes.

"Why don't we get something to eat before me go to the hospital." I tell Noah as we back out of the drive way.

"Sure, What are you in the mood for?"

"You pick, it doesn't really matter to me."

I feel bad that I haven't been able to spent more quality time with Noah since we've been here, but my priority has been my dad, Maybe after my dad is better we can spend some time together.

"What are you thinking so hard about over there?" Noah ask with a smile

Although I'm pretty good at hiding my thoughts and feelings from most people, Noah has gotten really good at being able to read me like an open book.

"Just thinking about how we haven't really spent any time together outside of the hospital." I say while I look out my window

"Hey, look at me" Noah says grabbing my hand

"Don't worry about me, we're here for your dad and he's all that matters right now. We'll have time for each other after we know he's okay."

"Okay." I say with a sigh

"Have you talked to your parent today?" I ask wondering if they'll be flying in today

Aaron, Lisa and Sofie had planned on coming last week but Aaron had some business he needed to take care of so Lisa and Sofie we're waiting to fly in with him.

"Yeah, mom called me early this morning to let me know that her and Sofie are going to be here later on tonight. Dad really wants to make it out but he can't until he finished the deal he has going on right now."

"I'm sure my mom will be happy that Lisa will be here and she know your dads a busy man, he can't just stop everything to be here, he'll make it when he can."

"Yeah, and I'm sure you can't wait for Sofie to get here." He says knowing how true that statement is

"You know it, i've missed her like crazy!" I say with excitement

We end up eating at Chilis and making small time while we're there, when we finish we pay the bill and head to the hospital.

"Hey mom, has the doctor stopped by?" I ask when we get to dads room and I hug her

"Yeah, he said things are looking better. They think they'll be able to move him to a regular room later today and take out the rest of the tubes and just leave the Iv. They ran a few more test, Dr. Grey said he'll come back around four with the results." She tells us looking like a weight has been lifted off her shoulders.

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