Boy or Girl?!?

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It’s been two weeks since Thanksgiving and although our families would still love for us to get married on the fifteenth like we had originally planned it’s not going to happen and they understand that. Vince wasn't as upset as I thought he was, after dinner he pulled me aside to remind me that he was always there for me and that he was kind of hurt I hadn’t told him about the baby before then, I apologize and explained everything to him but instantly regretted it when I saw the anger he had as he went to find Noah. Thankfully things didn’t escalate and I was able to keep things pretty civil. 

“Babe! You ready?” Noah called walking into my room 

We still hadn’t moved in together even though Noah tried to talk me into it every chance he got, but I wasn’t ready for that yet, I meant it when I said we needed to slow things down. We’ve gone out a few nights since Thanksgiving and things are a lot better then they were between us but we aren’t ready to go back to living together yet. 

“Yeah.” I replied stepping out of the bathroom and into my almost empty bedroom 

“So you’re really moving out of here huh?” Noah asked looking around the room 

“Yeah, I told you this last week.” I sighed sitting at the end of the bed to put my shoes on 

“I know, I just didn’t realize you would be moving into your apartment so soon.” He frowned 

“What’s with the frown, it’s not like I’m moving out of town or anything.” I stood up and crossed my arms over my chest 

“I know, I just don’t like the idea of you living alone, what if something happens and no one is with you.” His expression dead serious as he took the remaining steps towards me so there was barely any space between us 

“I’ll be fine, you’ll be there most of the time and I’ll only be a few minutes from here.” I shrugged 

“If I’m going to be there most of the time why aren’t you just letting me move in? Don’t you think it would be better to have me there just in case you need something.” He sighed wrapping his arms around my expanding waist 

“Noah…” I sighed already tired of this conversation 

“I know, we’re taking things slow, but I’m worried.” 

“I know and I love you for that but I just don’t think we’re ready for that yet, just give me some time?” I asked wrapping my arms around his neck and letting my fingers play with the ends of his hair 

“Fine, I just really hope we’re living together my the time the baby gets here.” He grumbled the last part 

“Thank you.” I smiled going up on my tippy toes so our lips could meet 

Although I hadn’t meant for the kiss to last longer than a few seconds it ended up lasting a little longer and only ended because Noah's phone decided to go off. 

“What?” He growled into the phone keeping his arm around me 

I couldn’t hear what the person was saying on the other end but Noah was clearly annoyed 

“Yes, I already told you I would call as soon as we find out, I have to go, I’ll talk to you soon.” His frowned deepened as he hung up 

“Sofie?” I giggled at the face he was making 

“Of course, she’s still pissed that we didn’t let her come with us.” 

“I know.” I sighed feeling a bit guilty 

Sofie had begged Noah and I to let her come along to the sonogram appointment like she had the last one but we felt like this was something we wanted to experience just the two of us, we were going to find out if we were having a boy or girl and it just wasn't something we wanted toshare with anyone else. Now that I had time to think about it maybe we were being a bit selfish, this is her first niece or nephew and she’s just as anxious as we are to find out the sex. 

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