Should've seen this coming

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I felt the bed dip next to me and was soon surrounded by the smell of alcohol mixed with perfume, curious to find out who it was, I opened my eyes and saw Noah sitting with his back to me.

"Where the hell have you been?" I asked rubbing the sleep from my eyes and sitting up

"We ended up having a little to much to drink and staying at a hotel." He answered still facing the bathroom door

"You couldn't have call to let me know you were going to stay out? Your mom called worried sick and I couldn't sleep after I tried calling and you didn't pick up. How was I supposed to know you were okay?" I asked, anger taking over when he still wouldn't look at me

"Look, I feel like shit right now. I can't deal with you interrogating me, I'm gonna go take a shower while you calm down and we can talk about it when I'm out." He said standing up and walking towards the bathroom

At this point I didn't give a shit how he was feeling, he obviously didn't care how I felt last night so why should I care.

As the door to the bathroom slammed shut I climbed out of bed and followed him to the bathroom, luckily he hadn't remembered to lock the door so I turned the knob and walked in shutting the door behind me.

"I wasn't done talking to you." I said through gritted teeth

He had only managed to shed his shirt before I walked in but I wouldn't have cared at this point, I was too angry.

"Look at me, what the hell is your problem?" I asked when he still wouldn't look at me

"What do you what me say?" He asked exasperated as he turn to face me

When I took in the sight in front of me my words caught in my throat and tears pooled in my eyes.

"Let me guess, Melissa." I said pointing at the love bite by his collar bone and glaring at the one just above where his Jeans started.

"I swear it's not as bad as you're thinking." He said taking a step closer to me

"Really, because by the looks of it I think I can guess exactly what happened and how bad it is." I spat

"Please just let me explain." He pleaded reaching his arms out to me

"Don't." I demanded putting my had up to stop him

"Please, just -"

"No! You come home acting like an ass and treat me like shit for being worried that maybe the same thing happened to you that happened to my dad and now you want me to let you try and justify sleeping with you ex?" I said cutting him off

"I know that's what it looks like but things didn't go that far, I stopped her before it went there." He tried explaining

"I don't care, I trusted you and we have one disagreement and you run to your ex, that shows how much I mean to you." I said opening the door and walking out

"Baby wait!" he said following me

"Don't baby me, I'm not your anything. I'm going to find a way out of this then you can be with Melissa anytime you want." I said taking off my promise ring and throwing it at him

I walked to my closet taking off my clothes and looking for something clean to throw on so I could get out of here.

"Ellie please, you can't mean that. I screwed up but I'll make this better." He pleaded as I threw on a pair of Jean short and white v neck

"You can't make this better Noah, we're over. We both knew it wasn't going to work, it was just a matter of time before you realized what you gave up to be with me." I said grabbing my grey Toms and shoving past him

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