Kaylani Elise

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Two weeks, that's all I had to go until I hit my due date but Kaylani decided she didn't want to wait anymore, so here we are in the hospital. My contractions had started early in the day but I didn't really start to feel them until lunch, thankful we were at my parents and mom knew what to do so she started timing them and sent Noah to get our hospital bag from home while I stayed with her, when it was time mom, Noah and I headed to the hospital while dad stayed behind to call everyone and let them know it was time before making his way to the hospital. 

"How much longer until I can push her out?" I growled out as another contraction hit 

Mom, Noah and Sofi were with me right now and as much as I love Sof she is getting on my last nerve right now. She got here about half an hour after us and rushed into the room with a camera glued to her hand so she could record everything and she hasn't put the stupid thing down since, the last thing I want right now is a camera in my face. Thankfully Noah is handling everything pretty good and Mom is amazing, I'm so glad she's here with me, but once it's time to push I've asked for everyone but Noah to leave the room. I know it hurt moms feeling at first but once I explained why she seemed to understand that I just wouldn't feel comfortable with them in here with us. 

"Soon baby girl, you're almost dilated enough." Mom soothed pushing my hair out of my face 

"Your doing so good baby." Noah kissed my forehead 

"So how excited are you to finally get to meet Kaylani?" Sofi beamed sticking the camera in my face 

I glared at her letting Noah's hand go and tried to push it away but she was relentless. 

"Sofi get the camera out of her face, if I have to tell you again I'm going to have to kick you out." Noah scolded 

"You guys suck, Kaylani's going to be so mad at you when she sees this." She tried to guilt trip us 

"I'm sure she'll understand I was too busy trying to have her to talk to your dumb camera." I frowned 

Just then another contraction hit and I grabbed Noah's hand squeezing the life out of it. I had decided to have a natural birth just because  I hate needles and the thought of it just didn't set well with me, but now that I'm feeling everything I'm not sure that was the best decision. 

Thankfully my doctor walked in just as the next contraction hit, hopefully I was dilated enough and we could get her out of me. 

"Okay Ellie, it looks like you're ready to push. I'm going to have to ask everyone but Noah to leave." She announce to my relief 

"We'll be waiting." Mom smiled kissing my forehead and dragging Sofi out with her 

I don't know how long I had been pushing when I finally felt pressure down there followed by the sound of my baby girl crying. 

"It's a girl." My doctor confirmed 

Once she was cleaned and wrapped up in a blanket she was handed to me and I will never be able to explain what I felt at that moment. 

"She's beautiful." Noah whispered gently rubbing her cheek with his finger 

"We made her." I whispered in awe kissing the top of her head 

"You did good baby." Noah praised kissing the top of my head 

We didn't get to enjoy her for too much longer before the nurse had to take her to get her weight and all that stuff but thankfully she didn't go far so we could keep an eye on her, the main reason I had picked this hospital to have her at was because they do everything in my room so she never leaves my sight. I'd heard too many people tell me to make sure Noah stayed with her once she was born just to be sure, so when I found out they did everything in my room at this hospital it was a no brainer for me. 

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