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****Ellie's P.O.V.****

After I turned around and realized Noah was indeed behind me I was furious, but there wasn't much I could do about it, it's not like I could kick him out of the mall.

"Noah! What are you doing here?!?" I asked exasperated.

"Baby, I told you I was on my way but since you didn't wait your mom let me know where to find you." Noah said with a smirk playing on his face.

BABY! Really Noah... Our parents weren't around so I knew he was doing this to annoy me, but I wasn't going to let him get to me. If this is how he wanted to play then I'd play.

"I'm sorry sweetie I was just so eager to meet up with my friends before we left, I hope you're not mad." I said with a puppy dog look on my face.

Noah's face was priceless! I knew he expected me to be angry or annoyed and I was but decided I was going to have a little fun with this.

"Hey baby are you hungry? We were just going to get something from chik-fil-a" I asked him with a huge grin on my face.

After we got our food we all sat down and started eating, I was starving since I hadn't really eaten dinner last night. Right as I was getting ready to bite into my sandwich Noah cleared his throat.

"What??" I asked with an annoyed look on my face.

"Well aren't you going to introduce me to your friends sweetheart?"

Right, I completely forgot my manners, but can you blame me I was starving.

"Right, sorry. Noah this is my best friend Isabella and her boyfriend Luke, and this is my other best friend Zoe. Guys this is Noah."

**** Noah's P.O.V. ****

After Eliana introduced her friends she continued eating while I tried to start a conversation with her friends. I wanted to find out what Eliana was really like and what better way to find out then talking to the best friends.

" So Isabella, how long have you been friends with Eliana?" I asked

Isabella was a pretty girl with dark brown hair that went past her shoulders and chocolate brown eyes. She had a nice figure and didn't dress like a slut but was attractive in a natural beauty kind of way.

"We've been friends since 7th grade, I had just changed schools and Ellie was the first person I talked to. We hit it off instantly and have been inseparable ever since." Isabella said with a smile on her face.

" What about you?" I asked turning to Zoe.

Zoe was fair skinned with dark brown hair that went just past her shoulders. She was also very pretty with chocolate brown eyes that had to be one of her best features.

"We've actually known each other since we were in 5th grade. Ellie had just moved and when she started school with me she was really shy but we got along really well and she slowly started to open up more." Zoe answered

"Wow, that's a long time. I'm sure it's going to be hard for all of you to be so far apart when we leave in the morning." I said trying to keep the conversation going.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Eliana stiffen, but I wasn't sure why, she knew we were leaving, this wasn't news to her.

"WHAT!?!" Isabella and Zoe yelled at the same time.

Oops... I guess she hadn't told them that yet, that would explain her reaction. When I turned to look at Eliana she was glaring at me and I kind of felt bad but I couldn't do anything about it now.

"Guys I was going to tell you, I just found out about it last night. I'm really sorry." Eliana said with tears in her eyes

After she finished explaining she got up and walked towards the bathroom

" Come on Izzy, lets go make sure she's okay." Zoe said as she got up from her seat and followed after her

"So... I'm guessing this whole arranged marriage isn't starting off so great." Luke stated

"Not really, neither of us really wants this but there's nothing either of us can do but make the best of it." I told him

" Well let me give you some advice about Ellie, I've known her for years and I know she comes off as this tough girl that can face anything and doesn't take shit from anyone, but she's been through a lot and she's actually very vulnerable underneath all the walls she has around her."

" What do you mean she's been through a lot?" I asked concerned

I've known of her family for years and they've always seemed like the perfect family.

"You'd have to ask Ellie about it, it's not really my place to say. Look I want her to be happy so don't hurt her, she already has trouble trusting people and opening up to people other than Izzy and Zoe is almost impossible for her, I don't even think her family knows the real Ellie."

I didn't say anything after Luke finished, I didn't really know what to say to that, how was I going to get Eliana to trust me and open up to me when she didn't even let her family in. I was really going to have my work cut out for me.

Hey guys sorry for the delay, I know this isn't very long or interesting but it's going to get better this was just letting you get to know the characters more. What do you think Luke is talking about? Any guesses, let me know in the comments.

Vote, Comment and fan PLEASE!!! Let me know what you think of the story or if you have any suggestions leave a comment and let me know. Thanks for reading.


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