chapter 1.

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"Fine then, leave like you always do Savannah! I could care less!" Keely screamed.

Harshly slammed the big wooden door behind me, I storm to the garage. I hate my roommates. Absolutely despised them. I grabbed my skateboard along with my sketchbook. I'm beyond tired of living with them. I have been for a long time.

I set my skateboard down put my hair into low messy bun, with two strands of hair hanging down in the front. I'm the stereotype of a girl who dyes her too much, but unlike most people, I actually know how to do it properly. Right now one half is bleached and the other is a dark brown.

I skated down the sidewalk for a while, listening to music in my headphones. I hated arguing, it was pointless. I would never win an argument with one of them anyways.

I skated down the side walk, swaying my skateboard to the music. Whenever the roommates get mad at me, I try and walk out of the house before things can get bad.

I have 3 roommates, Keely, Mackenzie, and Anthony. Mackenzie and Keely are a lot alike, they are stuck up blondes that wear too much makeup and think everyone should kiss the ground they walk on. Keely is the oldest roommate by a year and a half and won't let anybody forget it. She is extremely nosy and gets mad if you call her out on it.

I have known Anthony and Keely since middle school and all of our families are good friends. Anthony and Keely have been dating for a long time now, though they both openly cheat on eachother. I hate both of them, but I hate Anthony more. He's the reason I can't leave. At this point he pretty much rules over my life. But if I don't listen to him, he could ruin my life.

Reaching the edge of the woods, I feel the breeze for one last time before picking up my skateboard, making sure no one was watching, and walking into the woods. Not to far from the edge of the woods there was an abandoned, two story tall mall with a roof you could easily get on top of. It didn't take long to get to but it was hidden by trees and vines so it wasn't easy to see from the road. It was a relatively easy walk if you knew where you were going. I've probably spent more time here than at my house. I look up at the front of the mall. It's really not much to see from the outside, just concrete and vines.

I walk inside and sigh in relief. I love it here. It's relaxing and peaceful. The inside is what's really beautiful. Most of the walls dividing the shops were torn down or had fallen. The middle of the mall has a fountain that no longer works, obviously, and 4 concrete benches circling it. Behind what used to be the fountain are 2 escalators leading to the second floor. Pillars circle below the open part of the second floor. If you were to go to the second floor you could look off the edge and see almost the whole mall. There are streaks of light that pore in through the cracks and holes in the walls looking like something out of a fairy tale, minus the spray painted dicks everywhere.

    I shuffle my playlist once more and start riding around the inside of the mall. The floors in the mall were oddly clean enough to skateboard on without any issues.

I come here whenever I need  some alone time or needed to de-stress, which is about every day. I also come here a lot to draw and do some digital designs for my job. Working as a graphic designer, I am able to work from home, only going into work a couple times a month since I just send my drawings in digitally. I love art, I am really good at it too, seeing as I got a job for graphic design at only 24 years old. I never show my roommates my work and usually hid my sketchbooks so they can't take them or ruin them. I learned that I had to do that the hard way.

I did a few tricks and skated around the pillars jamming out to my music. I went to skate around the fountain when I heard leaf's and branches cracking from outside. I stopped riding and positioned my headphones to hear what was outside. Usually it would be animals walking around so I didn't think much of it until I heard voices and foot steps approaching the opening.

     I didn't hesitate to run and hide behind one of the pillars. I lean myself and my skateboard against the pillar and wait. I hear the voices approach the opening. I hear them stop to look at it before walking in. Shit. I hear about what sounds like 3 different male voices talking over each other.

    "This is huge!" One of them points out.

    "Thanks for the observation captain obvious." Another one of them says.

    "Saaaaaam can you tell him to stop being mean to me?" One of them pouts out in a baby voice.

    "No you tell him to stop," Another one says.

    "Corey if you don't stop being mean to me, I'm gonna-"

    At this point I had drowned out their voices, my mind racing with thoughts. Should I just tell them I am here? But what if they hurt me, it's three guys against one girl I probably won't win that fight. Where is the nearest exit? There's a hole in the corner near the back of the building but I can't get there without crossing them I could just book it to the exit but what if there are more of them outside and they are here to do something illegal  what if they have weapons on them! I was sweating out of pure stress, adrenaline pumping through my body. I was shaking, really bad. I had ran into people before but it usually wasn't a group and if they were I would just run or admit I was there, but it didn't happen often at all. Not many people knew this mall was here. Last time I ran into someone they pulled a gun on me and I barely got away. Ever since then I carried a knife but I was still scared, a knife wouldn't do much especially against a gun. It was about a year ago and I haven't run into anybody since then.

    Their voices neared where I was. I tried to steady my breathing but it wasn't working too well. I decided I was gonna look out from behind the pillar to see if I could see them.

    I shakily go to peak around the pillar when my arm brushes up against my skateboard. It slowly and dramatically scrapes the pillar as it falls over with a loud bang that echoed through out the whole mall. Just my luck. I freeze in place, not knowing what to do. Fuck, shit, shit, shit what do I do? They stop talking and I hear them slowly walk over in my direction. I hear them approach the side of the pillar that wasn't facing the exit.

       "Hello?" One on them calls out. I covered my mouth with my hands, trying not to breath to loudly. I could just run out and be fine, right? Their footsteps neared the pillar. They got closer and closer. My mind went to the worst immediately. I was about to die. Right before they made it to the pillar, I picked up my skateboard and booked it.

    The three guys stumble back on each other, not actually expecting someone to be there. I didn't make it far before I bump into someone else who came out of nowhere. I guess there wasn't just three guys after all. I fall on my back and smack my head on the concrete.

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