chapter 11. (colby's pov)

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                                       *before the party*

"Alright guys, you ready to go?" I asked the guys.

"Yea just a sec!" I heard Corey yell. I waited by the door with Sam.

"Man I'm kinda nervous for some reason..." I say to Sam.

"Oh come on man you got this!" He said to me patting my shoulder.

"No not nervous to see her, nervous something might go, wrong? I mean she's there with her crazy roommates and she said they don't let her leave her room for parties. Keely also thinks I'm going there for her..." I say.

"I know man but it'll be ok, we'll figure it out!" He responds. How is he so positive all the time? Jake and Corey come out and we head to the car. We were staying in a  hotel room close to Sam and I's parent's houses.

We arrive at the house and walk in. Keely runs to the door and greets us, actually not even us mainly just me. She disgusts me.

"Hello there," she said looking at me. "Welcome to the party!" She yells before closing the door behind us.

"So uhh, where are your other roommate's?" Sam asked.

"Oh! Mackenzie is right there and Anthony is over there!" She said to Sam.

"Don't you have another roommate though?" Sam asked.

"Figured you would ask that, yea no she left right before the party started." Keely shrugged. Sav left? No she wouldn't just leave, something isn't right and I can tell by the way Keely is acting. Or maybe I'm just being paranoid? Something just doesn't feel right.

Sam texted Sav asking where she was and she wasn't responding. 45 minutes passed of all of us trying to avoid Sav's insane roommates who were weirdly obsessed with all of us.

"Ok dude I am actually starting to get nervous, I knew something wasn't right, Sav wouldn't just leave and not text us back?" I said to them.

"Yea dude this is weird," Corey said.

     "Maybe she's at the abandoned mall?" Jake added on.

"But there's no way..." I said. Maybe she was, but she listens to music when she goes there and should have her phone. And it also has service over there? She would text us back. I have a bad feeling about this. I could barely think over the loud music. We were talking about what we should do when Sam got a text. It read, "Sam please help Keely locked me in my room"

"Oh shit." Sam said out loud. I looked at his phone and saw the text.

"I knew something was wrong!" I said starting to pace back and forth, running my fingers through my hair. Sam texted her back, "Sav which one is your room?" Shit shit this can't be good. "It's the one closest to the kitchen in the hallway, but it's locked from the outside and don't make it obvious you are trying to get me out, I'm scared even if I do get out I'm dead."

"Fuck," I said putting my hands on my head. "What are we gonna do?" We waited until the roommates were looking away. I decided to go by myself to draw less attraction to the door. "Sav?" I called from outside her door.

    "Colby please help me!" She said back. Hearing her shaky voice hurt me.

     "Ok I don't have much time because Keely is following my every move but there is no way you can unlock it from the outside like a normal lock, its like a key lock," I whispered trying to push the door open, looking down at the door knob. It had a key hole, not a turn lock. Fuck that makes things way harder.

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