chapter 17.

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"You know I have absolutely nothing to wear for tomorrow." I said sitting up from the floor. "What am I supposed to wear?"

"Uhhhh..." Colby wondered. "That's a good question."

"Can't you just go out and buy some clothes?" Sam suggested.

"Yea I could just Venmo you the money? I need new outfits anyways."

"Ok you two love birds can go, we'll stay here and mess around." Sam stated. Colby rolled his eyes and smiled, walking out with me.

    Colby got in the drivers seat and I got in the passengers seat. "So around here there's a mall and it has a target, hot topic," he went on.

"Hot topic!" I interrupted.

"Oh I like you more already." He smiled starting the car.

"So, is Sam ok now?" I asked him.

"Umm, yea, no yea he's ok." He said unsure of his own answer. "He's just a little shaken up you know."

"Oh yea I know. I fell bad for putting him through that." I sighed.

"Sav it was nobody's fault but your roommates. Sam wanted to get you out just as much as I did, he chose to stay. He chose to go out last, making sure everyone else got out. Nothing was your fault." I sat and thought for a second.

"So, if we are buying clothes and I'm staying in your hotel and stuff, I guess I'm not going back to that house anytime soon?" I asked.

"Hell no, Its not be safe." He responded. "We did all that work trying to get you out there's no way we're just gonna send you back."

"And going to one of the most haunted houses in the world is safe?" I asked jokingly.

"Well, you know," he smiled. "Hey you agreed to come." He said defended himself. We arrived at the mall.

"I thought we were going to buy you clothes, but, I might be buying some too." Colby laughed.

"Yea I love hot topic, but sometimes the clothes are a little...weird, and overpriced." I pointed out. We walk around and quickly pick out some clothes. We get in line and a little boy, no older than 8 comes up to Colby.

"Hey mister, are you Colby Brock?" He asked in a timid voice.

"Yea I am! Wassup dude?" He asked holding out his hand for a high five. The kids face lights up and he gives him a high five.

"I love your YouTube channel with Sam! I watch it everyday, I even have merch too!" He says excitedly.

"Aw no way really!? That's awesome!" He says. I stare at them and smile. They really do have such a great fan base. They have such an impact on people.

"When are you gonna post again? With Jake and Corey?" The kid asked as his, I'm guessing mom, walks over.

"Want me to tell you a secret?" Colby asked him kneeling down, as the kids mom smiled at them, obviously knowing who he was. The kid nodded up and down rapidly. "We are working on one right now, tomorrow we are going to a creepy haunted house with Sam, Jake, and Corey," he whispered loudly. "And you wanna know another secret?" He looked back at me, then back at the kid. "Someone else is joining us for this trip, someone new." The kid looked at me, then looked at Colby.

"Her! Wow she's so pretty, are you two dating!" He asked. I covered my smile as Colby laughed.

"No, she's not my girlfriend," he laughed.

"Want me to take your picture?" The kids mom asked.

"YEA YEA YEA!" the kid jumped up.

"Hey I never got your name?" Colby asked.

"My name is Axel!" He smiled.

"I like that name." Colby smiled. The mom took a few pictures of them two and I stood of to the side and watched.

"Can I have one with her too?" Axel asked.

"Me?" I questioned. Why would he want a picture of me?

"Well your gonna be in one of their videos, I wanna have a picture of you! If that's ok?"

"Ok then?" I smiled and walked over, posing beside the kid.

"Thank yall so much, you and that Sam guy mean the world to him." The mom smiled.

"Oh it's no problem." Colby smiled back. They walked out of the store and we reached to counter. Colby set his stuff down and payed for all of our stuff.

"Hey you have Venmo?" I asked him. "Sorry I don't have my wallet, I can just send you the money."

"No no it's on me!" He replied.

"What no, just let me pay, it's not an issue!" I responded.

"Your fine, it wasn't too much." I laughed and rolled my eyes, knowing I wouldn't win that argument. I smiled and thought about that kid, how his face lit up when he found out it was Colby.

"Hey do you think we could run by that store real quick, I just need to pick up some products. And I will be the one to pay this time." I said pointing a finger in his face. "I won't be more than 5 minutes." We walked through a small section of the mall to get to the store. I walked to the makeup/self care isle and picked up a few necessities while Colby walked elsewhere. Walking out of the store, I was about to wait for Colby when a random guy came up to me.

"Hey cutie, can I get your snap?" He asked me.

"Oh, no sorry I don't have Snapchat." I responded politely.

"Then what about your number?" He asked me again, inching me closer to the wall.

"I don't give out my number to strangers." I said more sternly this time.

"Oh come on," he smiled reaching his hand out. "Don't be so up tight" Before he could touch me, someone practically punched his hand out of the way. "What the hell man?!" The guy fused.

"She said no." Colby said pushing his way between us.

"Oh come on man," he tried to negotiate, throwing his hands up. Colby towered over this guy. He didn't stand a chance.

"Fuck. Off." Colby said looking down on him. The guy finally got the point and Colby stared him down as he walked away. He immediately turned around to look at me. "Hey are you okay?" He asked, his voice automatically softer.

"Oh I'm fine. The men just can't resist me." I smiled walking away. Yeah it shook me up a little, but I've learnt to never let those things show.

"Men like that piss me off." He mumbled.

"I think they piss all of us off."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25 ⏰

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