chapter 2.

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I slowly gain back my conciseness. I flutter my eyes open and see bright blue eyes in my face, looking down at me. I freak out and try to run away before stumbling back to the ground, sitting with my back against a wall.

"S-stay back!" I scream in a shaky voice, barely managing to pull out my knife. I shakily point it towards them. My head throbbing and my vision blurry, I see that same guy looking over me backing up.

"Woah woah woah sorry we aren't trying to hurt you!" The guy says. For some reason his voice sounds, familiar?

"Then why are you here?" I say still in a shaky voice.

"We are just exploring we didn't mean to scare you!" A different voice says, also sounding....familiar. I lower my knife slowly and set it on the floor. I rub my eyes, trying to rid them of the blur. My vision clears up a little and I look back at them all. Oh shit.

"Wait, your Sam Golbach!?" I say.

"Umm.... yea? H-how do you know me?" He questions confused.

"And your Jake, Corey, and, and Colby." I say ignoring his question. They all look around at each other in confusion, definitely weirded the fuck out. My head starts throbbing and I rest my head on my knees, putting my hands on my head, sighing. I wouldn't be surprised if I had a concussion, with my luck I probably did.

"Hey, um, are you okay?" Colby asks in a concerned tone. I look back up at him. "You were passed out for a good minute."

"Yea I'm fine," I try to stand but up but ultimately fail, losing my balance and sinking back down against the wall again. "Shit." I mumble, putting my hand on my head. Colby comes over to me and helps me to my feet. I gain my balance and get a grasp of what just happened. I look down at my knife on the floor and pick it up. "Oh my gosh I am so sorry I didn't mean to pull a knife on you like that!" I say putting it back into my pocket.

"Oh your fine, I would have been absolutely terrified if I was in your situation," he laughs nervously.

"Yea I have watched your YouTube channels before, I'm not like, a super fan but I know all of your names." I say, looking at all of them. Most people would be freaking out, meeting YouTubers with millions of subscribers and fans, but not me I guess. I'm not trying to seem like some quirky "not like other girls" kinda girl, but they're just normal people. Of course the things they experience and see aren't normal, but that doesn't change the fact they are real people.

"Oh that's sick!" Corey says, punching Jake in the shoulder for no reason.

"DUDE?!" Jake yells punching Corey in the shoulder back.

"But anyways," I say looking away from them repeatedly hitting each other. "What are you guys doing here?" I ask, still shaken up.

"Oh well we are here visiting me and Colby's family and filming for our YouTube." Sam says. I look down and realize he was holding a camera, which wasn't recording at the moment.

"How did you figure out about this place?" I say looking back up at Sam."Not many people know about it."

"Oh well this place isn't to far from our parents house, and we have explored all of these woods as kids pretty much," he says. "There is actually another abandoned building not to far from here we went to a lot as kids." Sam says.

"Oh," I say surprised. "I come here just about every day, I know this place inside and out. I was just skateboarding around when you all came in. Sorry if I messed up the video, I'll let you get back to filming." I say picking back up my skateboard. I saw that along with their filming equipment, they had sleeping bags with them, I'm guessing they wanted to stay the night and I didn't wanna get in the way of their video.

"Oh no, it's ok. I mean if you know so much about this place, would you mind showing us around? We never got to explore it as kids." Sam said.

"Like, on video?" I questioned.

"Yea, I mean, if your ok with that?" Sam said back.

"I'm down." I said. What the fuck?

"Is that ok with you guys?" Sam asked. They all nodded their heads.

"Sounds like fun!" Jake said putting his hands in the air.

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