chapter 13.

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    We all ran into the house and froze behind Colby.

    "Don't take one step closer." Anthony demanded.

    "Anthony," I stammered. "This has gone to far, let him go."

    "Make me." He snarked backing up with Sam. He had one arm all the way around Sam holding his upper arms down and the other hand holding a kitchen knife to his throat. Luckily Sam was smart, he make sure to stay as steady as possible, not making any sudden movements. He had both of his hands around Anthonys arms trying every now and then to pry his arm off, which wasn't working. Anthony was strong, too strong for Sam to escape using his own strength.

    "Sav, this is your fault, you did this to your so called friends," Keely barked approaching me. "I caught onto your plan, I knew I wouldn't be able to stop you running out, but I was able to stop your friend." She smirked pointing at sam, having Anthony pull the knife closer to his neck. The music was still playing though it wasn't as loud. Everyone else was either ignoring the situation or laughing at it. She was friends with crazy people. Colby looked more scared than Sam did himself.

    "I had my friends spy on your texts to Sam, I knew almost your whole plan after you left my room. I was suspicious of you, Colby. Especially when I looked in my drawer, seeing the key and Sav's phone gone." She smirked.

    "What do you want from us! What does Sam have to do with it let him go!" Colby yelled easing closer, which only made Anthony move farther back. Sam was starting to breath more heavily.

    "Colby please..." Sam pleaded before Anthony cut him off.

    "QUIET!" He yell pulling the knife even closer, it almost resting on his neck. Sam breathed in through his teeth and leaned his head back further.

    "Say Colby," Keely started. "Did Savannah ever tell you what happened in 7th grade?" She said with the biggest grin. My face dropped.

    "You can't hold this against me forever. It was a mistake it never meant to happen!" I yelled.

    "Oh but the police don't know that. They're one call away Savannah." She held up her phone, proud of herself.

    "Sav what is she talking about." Colby asked not taking his eyes off Sam.

    "Oh yes wonderful!" Keely clapped. "If you tell your little friends what you did, we can let Sam go, and you'll never see them again. Or," she went on. "I'll have his neck slit right here." She laughed. The guys all turned towards me.

    "I didn't mean to kill him! It was an accident, I didn't know the gun was loaded! " I yelled.

    "Oh but you did kill him didn't you? And all this time his poor, poor family, having to deal with the loss of their boy." She pouted. The guys were now staring at me. I couldn't look back at them. This was all my fault.

    "You're a murderer." She whispered, approaching me."Anthony and I both saw it happen. Ace was our friend."

  "Fine, I'll do whatever you want just let Sam go!" I said frustrated.

    "Go into your room, and shut the door," she said calmly. "He'll let Sam go and then they will all leave and never contact you again." She said more sternly.

    "Wait, Ace Brooks?" Jake said after a minute, standing up taller.

    "Yeah." I mumbled. The secret was finally out after all these years.

    "That kid used to be my neighbor, he moved away back a while ago, he didn't die?"

    "Wait, what?" I asked confused. "Keely you said he died in the hospital after he was shot?"

    "H-He did! I don't know what he's talking about!" She yelled.

    "No I remember because our parents were friends?" Jake said, looking ready to beat the shit out of anybody testing him.

    "Keely are you telling me if I look up his name right now it will tell me he's dead?" I asked her. She sighed.

    "Fine okay? You got me. You got us." Keely looked over to Anthony who was starting to lessening his grip on Sam, realizing they had been caught. "You barely grazed his leg. Seeing the blood was enough to make him pass out. He never died in the hospital. But damn was it easy to fool you." She laughed. "Man after all these years you think you would have caught on." She shook her head smiling.

    So many things were running through my mind at once. But one emotion was stronger than all the rest, rage.

    "YOUR A PSYCHO!" I yelled. "I'VE LIVED WITH THE GUILT IVE KILLED SOMEONE FOR YEARS AND YOUR LAUGHING?" All she did was stare at me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Anthony slowly becoming unfocused on what he was doing, watching me scream at Keely. One look into Sam's eyes and I could tell he felt it too. He had a plan.

    "You are an awful person Keely. All of you are. One day you will get what you deserve you bitch." I spat at her, making Anthony mad. Mad enough to where he loosened his grip just enough for Sam to kick the shit out of his balls. Anthony hurled over in pain. Sam grabbed the knife from his grip and threw it to the floor before booking it towards us. I could hear Keely screaming behind us as we ran out of the house, dashing for the car. Within 5 seconds we pulled out of the driveway, speeding from the house.


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