chapter 15.

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    They all sat down next to me. I had no idea how much timed had passed.

    "Sam are you okay?" I turned over to him asking.

    "Yeah Sav I'm okay."

    "I'm really really sorry." I said burying my head into to knees.

    "It's okay Sav. We just wanna make sure you're okay." Colby said. I took a deep breath before pulling my head back up.

    "I never meant to drag you into any of this I'm so sorry."

   "If I'm going to be honest," Sam started. "We've experienced worse things. This barely scratches the surface of our craziest encounters."

    "Seriously?" I asked.

    "He's not wrong," Colby added on.

    "I'm not gonna lie Sam," Jake started. "That kick to the nuts was BADASS." They all laughed.

    "I mean damn, we actually pulled that off." Colby laughed.

    "Yeah I guess you're right." I smiled. "I don't know where I'm going to stay now though. Also all of my stuff is still in that house, I need some of that."

    "It's okay we will figure it out later, right now I think we all need to get back to the hotel. We can discuss this later not on the grass in the middle of nowhere." Colby said. We all stood to our feet and started walking back to the car.

    "Hey Corey," I walked up to him. "Are you okay?"

    "Yeah yeah I'm good." He said. "I'm just not really equipped to deal with these things like they are. Im fine." He gave me a quick smile before getting in the front seat with Jake. Sam and Colby sat in the back leaving me to the middle seats.

    "The drive back was relatively quiet, with faint radio music playing in the background. I think everyone was asleep except Jake, who was driving.

Eventually the car came to a stop and everyone sleepily got out. They walked inside and got to the room. It was a massive hotel. Beautiful too. The room they were staying in had just enough rooms for the each of them, along with a huge living room/kitchen area. Everyone made their way to their bedrooms until it was just me and Colby out in the hallway.

    "You can sleep in my room if you want to, I'll be okay with the couch." He offered.

    "No I can't take your room from you, you've done all these things for me, you deserve your room-" I went on before he interrupted me.

    "Please just take it. This is not up for debate." He ended. I sighed in defeat.

    "Fine. Which one is yours?" I asked.

    "Right this way." He lead me to his room which was again, massive. I looked over to him pulling something out of his suitcase.

    "Here's a hoodie and some shorts for you to change into, I'm sure that outfit is uncomfortable." He handed me the black hoodie with the red print "No Name" across the front. I thanked him before he turned to walk out.

    "Wait, Colby." I said and he turned around, his eyes meeting mine. "Thank you."

    "Of course Sav." He smiled before walking out, leaving me to the massive bedroom.

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