chapter 5.

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I lead them to the roof and they set down their things.

"I hope you have a tent or something because just sleeping bags isn't gonna be to comfortable," I explained.

"Well, you see..." Sam started.

"You know what it doesn't even matter at this point." I laugh. There was a pretty big coved part right after you got off the stairs they could probably be fine in. They set up there sleeping bags and set their bags down. We walked around the roof for a while. I usually don't walk around the roof much because I'm afraid of it collapsing, but it should be fine just once. Jake and Corey picked up sticks on the roof and started sword fighting each other. I picked up a stick and joined them. We were all stick fighting when Jake started getting to close to the edge.

"Jake you might wanna back away from the edge-" I managed to get out before jumping after Jake who had tripped on one of the vines. I grabbed the back of his shirt and yanked him back, both of us falling on our back. We were both breathing heavily before everyone ran up to us. I turned over to face Jake. "Jake oh my god are you okay!?" I yelled.

"I just saw eyes." He manages to get out between breaths. Sam helps me up and Corey helps Jake up.

"Holy shit dude, how did you manage to pull him back he's way bigger than you!?" Sam asked me.

"I'm stronger than you think buddy," I laughed in relief.

"Yo did you get that on camera?" Colby asked.

"Yea I think I did," Sam said. "I know we were planning on putting this on my personal channel but we could probably put it on our joint channel, this video has been pretty crazy already." Sam said to Colby.

We walked back to the covered area. They sat on their sleeping bags and I sat on the floor talking with them and laughing about stupid stuff. They brought some snacks they let me eat too. These guys were so nice to me though they barely even knew me. They were so respectful and caring. We watched the sun set and they started to lay down, I guess they really were gonna sleep here.

"Hey Sav I guess we are about to go to sleep, what do you plan on doing?" Sam asked.

"Oh well, uhh, I don't really feel like going home so I might just sit on the edge of the building until sunrise or something." I shrugged. I was having a really good time with these guys and didn't feel like having my mood ruined by my roommates. "I mean, if that's ok with you, I can totally leave if you want me to-" I started.

"Oh no you don't have to, I was just wondering!" Sam said with a smile. "Just be safe!" He said laying down. He genuinely cared. After a while they all fell asleep so I sat on the edge of the building dangling my legs off the side. I let my hair down and pulled out my sketchbook and drew random things for a couple of hours before someone came over and sat next to me.

"Hey," grinned Colby.

"Oh hey!" I smiled back.

"Damn your hair is so long." He pointed out.

"Yea I know, I usually have it up." I smiled. He looked down at my sketchbook.

"Watcha drawling?" He asked.

"Oh, just a pencil sketch." I showed him what I was drawing which was a snake surrounded by roses.

"Woah dude that's amazing!" He smiled. He looked at it with wide eyes. "I don't understand how people can make things so beautiful." Maybe he should ask his mother. She could tell him a thing or too.

"Well it's a lot of practice. This one is a more simple drawing anyways," I say. "Why are you still up?"

"Oh I couldn't sleep." He said.

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