chapter 4.

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We walk up the escalators and they look around. The second floor was a lot less messy. Most of the walls were still up and there were a few windows still in tact.

"DARE ME TO JUMP?" Jake yells, looking over the ledge to the first floor.

"YEA BROTHER JUMP! SEE WHAT HAPPENS!" Colby yells back at him before shaking his head and rolling him eyes while smiling. You couldn't help but smile at Jake. We walk around the second floor some more and headed into one of the rooms that still had some shelves in it.

"Woah what do you think this store was?" Colby asked looking around.

"Well hello there welcome to RoadKill Diner, you kill em' we grill em' how can I help y'all out today?" Corey says in a country middle aged women accent behind a random counter, twirling his imaginary hair. We all started laughing when Jake walks up to the counter with a serious face.

" Yo Sherry, y'all got that secret menu meat?" Jake says in a cowboy accent whispering into Corey's ear loud enough for the camera to hear.

"Follow me," Corey whispers back after looking around to make sure the "coast was clear". He walks to the back of the store and points to a hole in the wall. "The secret menu meat is in there- OH SHIT." Corey yells before jumping back. Me and Jake go to peak inside the hole, Sam and Colby right behind us.

    "Is that a..."

    "Dead cat." Colby finishes my sentence. Everyone else immediately backs up covering their noses. "How the hell did that happen..." Colby asked.

    "I, don't know." I said surprised. It looked like it had been there a while, probably a few weeks.

    "That is discussing." Corey gagged dramatically.

    "It's sad is what it is." Sam said walking away.

    "I have never ever ran into anything like this here." I mumbled.

    We all walked out of the small room together.

    "Hey Jake your "secret menu meat" is in there." Sam said with air quotes.

    "Not funny dude that's not funny."

    We head back down the escalators to get the penny boards, trying to get our mind of the disgusting sight.

"I have the penny boards if y'all wanna ride now," Sam says walking over to his back pack.

"Sure bruva!" Corey's says before grabbing the penny boards from Sam and handing them out. We all ride around for a while, watching the guys fall every once in a while and laughing at them.

"Your not to bad, Sav." Colby said riding up next to me.

"Your not to bad yourself." I said with a smile circling him on my skateboard. Jake tried to join me in circling Colby but failed miserably and fell on his face. "Him on the other hand..." Colby and I burst out into laugher while Jake tried to redeem himself but failed again.

"Oh yea! Well Savannah if your so good why don't you show us your best trick!" Jake said in a sassy tone.

"Ok then, I will Jake." I said turning toward the fountain. I got up on one of the concrete benches and set my skateboard down. I skated to the edge of the bench before doing a kick flip off of it and landing it. Jakes mouth opened so wide a swear he was gonna dislocate his jaw. "How was that for ya?" I said riding back over to him.

"Ok... not gonna lie, that was kinda hot." Colby said.

"Yea, what he said." Jake agreed.

"I have had years of practice, I can do more than that but that's probably my most impressive trick." I explained, trying to ignore the fact Colby and Jake just called me hot, and also the fact I was hardcore blushing. Well, they called more of the trick hot than me but still. I loved skateboarding, but it was just a small hobby I had along with many others.

"Hey, y'all ready to set up camp it's going to get dark in like an hour." Sam stated. Shit had I been here that long? Not like it matters anyways my roommates don't care, and I finished all my work that needed to get done at the house.

"Sure brother." Colby responded. It was pretty obvious Corey was a little uneasy.

"So this place isn't like haunted or anything is it? Sam I swear to god if you brought that god damn Ouija board-" Corey started.

"No Corey, I didn't bring the Ouija board." Sam replied.

"Nah this place is haunted as shit. Like animal sacrifices and a lot of deaths have happened here." I said, dead serious. Corey looked like he was about to piss his pants. "IM KIDDING!" I laughed.

"Nah bro don't mess around like that." Corey said nervously laughing.

"Hey Sav, you know any good spots?" Sam asked.

"Follow me," I replied.

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