chapter 7.

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    I woke up after a while and stared off into space. The sun was shining through the window and the clock read 11:45am. I thought about the conversations I had with Colby last night. There was so much more to him than what he showed online. After a while I got up and looked at my drawing of a snake sitting on my desk. I smiled when I saw a small smiley face in the corner of the page. Colby must have drew it there when I wasn't looking. They made me so happy. I know it's bad to get attached to people so quick but I hadn't had a real friend since high school. I walked out of my room and cleaned the house for a while until I got a text notification on my phone. I looked down at my phone and saw a message from Sam. I smiled and opened it.

    "Hey are you free? Me and the guys were planning to go eat and we're wondering if you wanted to come with us?" It read.

  "Yea I'm free! When and where?" I wrote back. The roommates didn't get home for a few more hours so it wouldn't hurt to go.

"Pizza Hut at 1:30, it's right down the road from the abandoned mall, it's the only one in the area." He wrote back.

     "Ok see you there!" I turned of my phone and smiled. The most genuine smile I've smiled in a long time. I decided to take a quick shower and put on a nice outfit.

I dry my hair and leave it down because I didn't feel like doing anything to it. I put on some light makeup before I grab my stuff and head out to my car. I drove to Pizza Hut, which was a really short drive, and parked my car. Of course they chose Pizza Hut. Not gonna lie I was in the mood for pizza. I walk in and see the guys standing off to the side.

"Hey Sav!" Sam said waving me over. We all sat at our table and ordered our pizza.

"Oh my god when is the pizza gonna get here I am starving!" Jake complains.

"Jake we just ordered it!" Sam says.

"I'm bored, what if we play I spy?" Jake says.

"No we played that already earlier." Corey says.

"What if we play I spy but if you can't find the thing you have to eat a small spoon full of of salt?" Jake suggests.

"Oh I'm in brother." Corey responds.

"What no that's gross." Colby said.

"I'm not eating that much salt no way." Sam said.

"Well you don't have to eat it if you find the object," Jake laughs.

"I'll play." I say and Jake looks at my weirdly.

"You will?" He asks.

"Yea I used to play games like that all the time as a kid. It's not near as bad as someone mixing various seasonings and sauces into a drink and making you drink it because you lost." I say. "Jake don't get any ideas."

"Aw man," he says. "Find we will stick to the salt, Tara never plays these games with me so I am exited for this."

"Alright then Sav, I spy with my little eye..." Corey says. We play I spy for a while and I never lose a round. Jake and Corey had taken quite a few tiny spoons of salt at this point. I know it's super unhealthy to eat literal salt out of a spoon but whatever, you only live once. Sam and Colby just looked at us like we were crazy, because we were.

    "Bro how are you so good at this game!" Corey complains.

"Hmmm, I spy with my little eye," Corey starts. "The pizza!" A girl walks up to our table and sets down all the pizza.

    "Alright here you go..." she starts. "Well well well, look who it is?" The girl said. I look up at her and it's the one and only Keely. I had no idea she worked here. "And who are these... attractive guys your hanging out with?" She said eyeing Colby down. I could see him physically cringe.

    "Friends?" I said.

    "Oh do y'all know each other?" Sam asked.

    "Umm, yea, this is my... roommate, Keely." I said. I saw Colby's face drop. He was the only one I had told about my roommates and I could tell he knew what was about to happen.

    "And why are you hanging out with them? Last time I recalled, you had a job your supposed to be doing?" She snarked. I wanted to fight back but I didn't wanna do it in front of the guys, but I wasn't about to back down either, so I just sat there not knowing what to say.

    "Hey Sav, come with me." Colby said grabbing my hand and standing up. I saw the jealously in Keely's eyes as we walked away. After we were out of sight he let go of my hand.

    "Sorry, I just needed to get you out of there-" he managed to get out before I hugged him.

"Thank you," I mumbled. He stumbled back a little, not expecting it.

"Oh, your welcome," he smiled, hugging me back. It was a warm, loving hug that I really needed. We pulled away and he looked around the corner to see she was gone. We walked back and started to eat the pizza.

    "Dude where did y'all go?" Sam asked.

    "Yea what was that about?" Corey added on.

    "Oh Umm..." I said. I didn't wanna ruin the mood or even my mood with it so I didn't say anything.

    "We will explain later," Colby said. "Let's just eat the pizza I am starving." Oh my god. How was he so perfect? He literally reads my mind. I have never met someone so... understanding. I don't even need to explain anything to him. He just, gets it? Oh my god I am so catching feelings.

    We talk for a while and occasionally laugh at Jake and Corey.

    "So Sav..." Sam starts. "We brought you here to ask you something."

    "What is it?" I ask, kinda nervous.

    "So, you know how we said we were going to the Sallie house?" He said.

    "Yes?" I say.

    "Well," Sam looks around the table and everybody smiles. "We were wondering if you wanted to come with us?"

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