chapter 9.

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I turned away and walked out with the other guys.

"Guess who just got a free invite to hang out with you?" He giggled.

"Oh you little bitch!" I said laughing and playfully punching him in the arm.

"Oh come on you didn't think I would really go to a party to see her?" He said laughing.

"I mean I didn't know, she always gets what she wants." I said.

"Well not this time she won't, you will be there right?" He asked.

"Yea but I can't come out of my room," I said. "The one time I did her and her boyfriend got so pissed. I was actually afraid they were gonna like kill me or something. I usually stay in my room or spend most of the night at the abandoned mall when she does her parties."

"Well I'll just come in your room then!" He said smiling.

"Ok then!" I said laughing. We made it too our cars and they said goodbye to me.

"Alright see you tonight Sav!" Colby told me.

"Huh?" Corey said looking at Colby.

"What's tonight?" Asked Sam.

"I'll tell you in a minute." Colby said. I walked back up to them and hugged them all.

"I'm like, kinda scared to go home." I mumbled to Colby messing with my fingers.

"If they lay a single finger on you, call us immediately, if you can't, we'll be there tonight ok?" He said pulling my chin towards his face, looking straight into my eyes. The butterflys in my stomach, oh the butterflys when he did that. His eyes sparkled in the sunlight, they instantly calmed me down. The way he looked at me, the way no one else had.

"Ok ok," I said still a little scared. "I'll see you tonight." I said before walking away, smiling. I got in my car and drove home. I walked into the house and sat in my room, wondering what I should do. I wanted to get ready but if I did Keely would see me looking better than usual, she didn't get home for another hour or two so maybe I should finish cleaning, make my room look nice, then wait till she gets home so I can get ready in my room and she won't question anything.

I finished cleaning and started working on my room. I had posters and those fake vine things all over my walls. I also had sections of my wall and closet door which I had painted on. I had a super nice and long art desk where I spent most of my time if I wasn't at the mall. I also had a nice set up for my digital art too. I was about to finish cleaning my room when I heard all the roommates walking into the house. I decided to walk out and get this over with before she came busting into my room.

"Oh look who it is," Keely said crossing her arms. "Did you have a fun day today?" She asked.

"Yea it was good, Keely." I responded.

"Oh did you have fun getting embarrassed today?" Mackenzie laughed. Anthony just stood there, glaring at me.

"What do you want." I asked coldly.

"Woah now Ms Attitude, don't make me call up Colby."

I scoffed at her.

"Oh please Colby come save me-oh Colby hold me and feel me all over," she mocked rubbing her hands over her body dramatically.

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" I yelled. "God can you ever stop acting like a bitch-" I tried getting out before being slapped across my face.

"Don't you ever speak to her that way you whore." Anthony said pushing me up against the wall. "You're getting a little too confident. Maybe I should just tell these little friends of yours what happened back in middle school? Do you want me to do that?" He said calmly. He always says it calmly. He knows he's in control.

"You can't just hold that against me forever."

"You're right. I can just tell people. How about this," he smiled. "Go set up this little party. Then you go sit your pretty little ass I'm your room and stay there the whole night. Does that sound like a plan princess?"

I just stood there and stared up at him.

"Now go." He said before pushing me toward the party stuff the girls had just bought. They all walked away laughing to their rooms. I stood there in defeat and walked to the rest of the stuff.

For a good while I walked around setting up like I usually did. Keely walked out of her room looking like a stripper.

"Everybody is arriving soon, you better not make a noise. And if you do," said looking down at my phone, then looking up at me. "There will be consequences." She whispered before snatching my phone and pushing me back into my room. I fell on the floor before she shut the door and, locked it from the outside!? I rushed to my feet and ran to the door. The lock was on the other side and the door wasn't budging.

"Keely what the hell please let me out," I said in a shaky voice.

"No, I think you'll be fine in there until morning. Your not ruining my night tonight. That Colby kid is mine. All those friends of yours won't be your friends for long. You better not make a peep, or it will be worse than the first time you tried to come in on my party." She said before walking away. I sank against the door and put my head on my knees. What was I going to do now? How the hell did my lock magically appear on the other side of the door? Did Keely change out my door knob!? I don't even have anything on this side of the door knob I can use to unlock the door. I don't even wanna imagine what she would do to me if I did manage to get out. The longer I stay here the more control they have over me.

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