chapter 12.

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    *Sav's pov*

Colby texted Sam while leaning against my wall by the door. I watched his phone bitting on my nails as the three dots moved up and down. Sam texted back saying Keely was talking to another guy.

"Alright that should buy us some time." Colby said turning off his phone sitting down with me on the bed. We made eye contact before he hugged me. "I'm so sorry Sav no one should have to deal with this." He mumbled.

"I'm just glad you're here." I mumbled back. He hugged me tighter before he got up and started pacing a little. I could see why he wore black so often, he looked so good in it.

"If we can just keep them distracted, we can sneak out then the guys could follow. But I have a feeling it isn't gonna be that easy," he said still pacing. "I'm guessing they aren't fooled that easily."

"You guessed right. You can't escape through any windows because Anthony fixed that a long time ago, of course the house isn't too big and they keep track of everyone that goes in and out, Keely has the eyes of a hawk and can hear anything, except the loud music gives us an advantage. And she is a great manipulator, not to mention her little minions always watching from the corners." I added.

"Fucking shit they're this insane?" He sighed into his hands. "Why can't we just book it out the door? Why can we just sprint out?" He questioned.

"Try it. They will stop us. She has her minions and her other friends on guard all the time, even if she doesn't think anything will happen, they are always there to do anything she wants. With only a few words we will be caught and needless to say we will not be making it out of the house. I won't be making it out of this house." I responded standing up. "That's why you should have left while you could! The longer you stay here the harder it's gonna be to get out, even for you, and them. They are extremely dangerous and it took me way too long to figure out."

"Sav no please stop saying that I would never leave you here! If there's no other way to get out, we are gonna just have to run out, if they stop us I'm not afraid to throw hands," he said. I looked at him with a concerned look. "Ok, maybe I won't hit anybody, but they can't hold us captive here. You're not alone anymore Sav." He explained with his hands on my shoulders. I looked down but he pulled my head back up. "Sav you don't have to be afraid anymore, they don't own you." He said reassuringly. I leaned my head back and sighed, closing my eyes for a second. Colby is going to be by my side the whole time, so will the other guys. You can do it, You can do it. Keely doesn't own you, Anthony doesn't own you, this is your life. I looked back at Colby.

"Ok..." I said nervously sighing.


Sam and Colby were texting and planning the perfect time to run out. All we needed was a clear path to the door. Sam was going to get the roommates to the other side of the house while we ran out, Keely was talking to a different guy now so we just had to make sure she would stay distracted while we ran out, then sam would run out after us.

Me and Colby waited by my door anxiously, he was holding his phone with one hand and the other holding my hand. We were waiting for the text from Sam meaning we were ok to run out. He had to make sure everyone was out of the way and not looking. I could hear Colby breathing heavily over the loud music. I was starting to shake even worse than before, my palms getting really sweaty.

"Hey your ok your ok! You got this, all we have to do is run out." Colby said reassuringly looking back at me. "Just stay next to me and you'll be ok."

    "I know I know, I just can't help but be nervous." I replied. He looked back at his phone.

    "Alright get ready, Sam's gonna give us a count down and we are gonna sprint out and not look back." He said still looking at his phone. His grip tightened on my hand. " three, two" I took one last deep breath and prepared myself for whatever was about to come next. "One!"
He quickly shoved his phone into his pocket while forcing open my door and sprinting out, not letting go of my hand. Time felt like it was going in slow motion. I saw Sam on the other side of the room. I saw Jake and Corey making sure the path was clear, waiting to run out behind us. And I saw Keely, talking to another guy, her back facing me. We made it to the door. Jake and Corey right behind us. Colby pulled the door open aggressively and ran out. We got onto the grass in front of their car amongst the many others before Colby stopped and turned around.

    "What?" Corey asked.

    "Sav stay with Jake and Corey, I am going to help Sam get out, I'll call you if I need back up." Colby said pointing towards Jake and Corey, letting go of my hand. He ran back to the door. I heard a lot of yelling and bangs, more than usual. I tried to run after him but Jake grabbed my hand.

    "Sav you can't go back in there, he's got it, you have to stay here with us." Jake explained. He was right.

    "Sorry," I responded. "I'm just afraid they might not come back out, they don't know how to outsmart them." I said nervously.

    "Dude what the fuck." Corey said putting his hands on his head. "What do you mean might not come back out?" He said wide eyed.

    "Well it's a little bit of an exaggeration, but usually whatever Keely wants, Keely gets. I don't know if she actually could be responsible for the end off a life, but who knows." I trembled, biting my nails.

    "Shit man, should we go back in their?" Jake asked Corey.

    "Let's just go look through a window or something, it's been too long already." Corey responded, obviously scared out of his mind. We walked up to the window closest to the door and looked in.

    "HOLY FUCK!" Corey screamed, running back into the house.

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