chapter 10.

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    More and more people started to show up to the party. This is obviously one of her more huge parties. I tried to listen for Sam or Colby or anyone I knew but it was no use over the blaring music. What would the guys think? Would they think I ditched them? Keely would probably tell them some lie to make them hate me. She has done it before she could do it again. ESPECIALLY if there was a cute guy on the line.

I tried to unlock the door from the inside, which was hard because there was nothing on the handle to pick the lock. I fumbled with it for a minute before throwing my hands down in frustration. I sat on my bed defeated. There was absolutely nothing I could do to help myself. I looked around my room and wondered what I could do to pass the time. I was getting really hungry, I hadn't eaten in hours. I didn't even eat much pizza earlier because I had kinda lost my appetite, and I didn't eat breakfast this morning either.

    If Sam, Colby, Corey, and Jake were coming they would have definitely been here by now. I looked around my room to try and find something to do. I needed something to distract me. Maybe I could digital draw some. Wait, digital- MY IPAD! I ran to my desk and looked through my stuff. I found my iPad untouched. "Oh thank god." I mumbled. I turned it on and went to my text messages. My phone and iPad share the same data and everything other than the fact my phone has an actual phone number, so everything on my phone is on my iPad. I had been stuck in my room for a few hours already. I saw texts from Sam from about an hour ago.

    "Hey we're here"    

    "Where are you"   

    "hey are you ok why aren't you responding?"   

    "Sav?" I texted him back immediately.

    "Sam please help Keely locked me in my room" He replied back immediately.

    "Sav which one is your room?" He asked.

     "It's the one closest to the kitchen in the hallway, but it's locked from the outside and don't make it obvious you are trying to get me out, I'm scared even if I do get out I'm dead." I texted back. I sighed a little in relief what they were all here.

    "Sav?" I heard Colby call from outside my door a few seconds later. I ran to my door.

    "Colby please help me!" I called out. I heard him trying to force the door open.

    "Ok I don't have much time because Keely is following my every move but there is no way you can unlock it from the outside like a normal lock, its like a key lock," he whispered. Shit.

    "Umm is there anyway you can get into her room? It's the last one in the hallway to the left. I know she keeps everything important to her in her purse or the top drawer of her nightstand."

    "Shit she's coming, I'll be back ok? Sam, Jake and Corey are here too we are gonna get you out I promise." He whispered before I heard Keelys voice from outside my door.

    "Hey cutie there you are," she said in a seductive voice. "Wanna dance?"

    "Uh yeah, but first can we go to your room? I want some peace and quiet for a second." He said back.

    "Of course! Lets go!" She said before I heard them walk away. I know it was all an act but I was still a little... jealous?  I was about to text Sam again before I heard his voice from outside my door.

    "Sav you in there?" I heard him say over the loud music.

    "I don't have anywhere else to go." I nervously laughed.

    "Yea we are working on that, Colby is in Keelys room trying to find a way to get the key, Jake and Corey are keeping a look out in case any of them comes back over here, I'm gonna stay here until Colby can get the key ok?" I heard him say.

    "Thank you." I replied. I loved all the guys but Sam was easily the sweetest.

"At this point you need to get out of this house permanently, it should have been done a long time ago."

    "But I can't, I really can't." I complained.

    "Shit jakes giving me the signal Keely is coming back," he said quickly. "We're gonna get you out." He said before walking away. I sank down against my door and zoned off. Not long after passed before I heard Colby's voice outside my door again.

    "Sav I got the key, you were right it was in her top drawer."  He whispered over the blaring music.

    "Colby I really don't know if I want you too let me out." I admitted standing back up.

    "What? Sav I promise you I won't let any of them touch you." He promised. "The plan is to get you out of your room then get you out of this house, you should be anywhere but here." He said putting the key in the lock.

    "No really Colby that isn't gonna solve anything, it's only gonna cause more trouble when I come back. It's gonna suck for me either way but it's better if I do what they say." I responded stressfully, there was no good or correct way to get out of this situation. He unlocked the door carefully but didn't open it.

    "Can I just, can I just come in there?" He asked.

    "Please." I responded. He opened the door and carefully shut it, before turning around and grabbing my shoulders.

    "Sav are you ok? Are you hurt?" He questioned looking me up and down.

    "Yea yea I'm ok!" I said laughing in relief. He lightened his grip and brushed his down to mine.

    "Your shaking really bad." He said holding both of my hands, which were shaking out of control. His cold metal rings making me flinch.

    "Shit I forgot," I said pulling my hands away looking at them. "I'm just really hungry."

    "Yea no shit, we gotta get you out of here," I opened my mouth to argue before he cut me off. "I don't care what you say it isn't safe here and we are leaving, I just don't know when." He said walking towards my door. "Let me text Sam, I'm afraid if I go out I won't be able to sneak back in, and I don't want to leave you alone again." He added on, looking back at me with his almost glowing blue eyes. I didn't care I was shaking out of hunger, I didn't care sooner or later I would probably be getting it bad from Keely and Anthony. I didn't care I was just stuck in my room for hours afraid I was going to lose my only friends, all I cared about in that moment was Colby. Colby Brock. And he cared about me too.

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