chapter 16.

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    I went to the bathroom to change into his hoodie. I stood in the bathroom and stared at my reflection in the mirror.

    Who am I? Who really am I? My life was built around distrust and lies. I spent so much of my time trying to avoid it all, I never left time to truly discover myself.

    I walked back into the bedroom and flopped onto the bed. I pulled the covers over my body and drifted off to sleep. It was the best sleep I've had in a while. I felt safe, for once in my life.


    I woke up the next morning and went to check the time. I sat up when I couldn't find my phone. Wait where was my phone? Does Keely still have it? Fuck. I got out of bed and walked to the living room. I saw them all at the counter, eating pancakes.

    "Oh hey Sav! Your up!" Colby smiled.

    "Yea, how long have you all been up?"

    "Oh we all pretty much just got up, I wanted pancakes so I made some and I guess they all wanted them too. You want some?" Colby asked me.

    "I will never say no to pancakes Colby." I said sitting next to Jake at the end of the counter. I grabbed a plate off the counter and got some pancakes.

    "I like your hoodie." Jake says with a mouth full of pancakes.

    "Thanks, but it's not mine." I reply grabbing the syrup.

    "It's not?" Jake wondered.

    "Yea, it's Colby's."

    "Awwwww." Jake teased. Colby rolled his eyes and turned away, his face bright red.

    "Oh calm down, it's just a hoodie." I grumbled.

    "Yea, COLBY'S hoodie." Corey reminded.

    "Well actually it's mine." Jake mumbled.

    "Hey did one of you grab my phone?" I asked changing the subject.

    "Oh yea, sorry let me go get it!" Colby said walking to the couch, grabbing it off of a small table. "Here you go."

    "Oh thank god." I said shoving it in the hoodie pocket. Not wanting to look at any text I might have gotten. We all finished our pancakes and sat on the couch.

    "Can we watch SpongeBob?" Jake asked.

    "Yea can we?" I added on.

    "Sure!" Colby said grabbing the remote, turning on SpongeBob. We watched SpongeBob for a while, I looked at the time, which read 1:30. Lucky I hadn't gotten any texts from my roommates, good sign, I think?

"It's 1:30 already?" I said out loud.

"It is?" Colby said looking at his phone.

"Oh hey Colby we should probably make sure all the equipment is ready for tomorrow, the cameras and stuff need new lenses, oh and the new piece of equipment." Sam said to Colby.

"Oh yea your right, we've learned our lesson on waiting till the last minute." Colby said getting up with Sam. "Ok guys we're gonna be in Sam's room if you need us. Sav, help yourself to any food here."

"Will do." I replied. Sam and Colby walked off to the room.

"Well, what should we do now?" Jake asked.

"A tik tok dance? So we could also introduce Sav." Corey suggested.

"Well I don't need that much of an introduction, I'm only filming one video with y'all." I pointed out.

"How do you know that?" Jake hinted.

"Oh come on," I said playfully punching him in the arm. "You just invited me to come on one trip with you, after all your going back to California soon." Jake playfully punched me back, but a little harder.

"Well still." Jake said. I punched Jake back even harder right in the chest. "Hey!" He laughed. The Corey then pushed me into Jake. I whipped my head around.

"What was that for!" I laughed.

"Idk I wanna fight too."

"Oh yea?" I asked about to push him back. Jake, who was now standing up, pulled the back of my hoodie, causing me to fall back onto the couch. "Oh it's on now!" I yelled, grabbing a pillow and whacking Jake with it. Corey picked up the only other pillow and started attacking Jake. We both ganged up on Jake before he ran to his room to grab a pillow of his bed. We ran in after him and had a pillow fight in his small room. They had obviously given him the smallest room because he brought the bare minimum and had nothing to unpack really.

We were attacking Jake when I threw the whole pillow at him but missed, and hit Corey. Corey breathed in dramatically and put his hand on his chest.

"Savannah, how dare you!" Corey dramatically whined.

"Yea Sav how could you betray Corey like that, my best friend since, wait how long have we been friends?" Jake asked Corey. "I forgot."

"Oh my gosh Jake this was gonna be an epic turn of events where we say deep shit then turn on Sav and attack her but whatever you ruined it." Corey complained and Jake looked unfazed. "Oh my god Jake just attack Sav with the pillows." Corey mumbled before grabbing another pillow so that he had two.

"Oh shit." I laughed and ran out of the room, two full grown adults chasing me with nasty hotel pillows. They chased me around the living room nailing me with the hard ass pillows. I ran towards Colby's room to grab a pillow. I slung the door open and saw him looking through his suitcase.

"Sav what are you-"

"Sorry I need a pillow, thanks!" I said grabbing a pillow and running out of his room, closing the door behind me. I ran through Jake and Corey to the living room so we would have more space. I jumped on the couch and waited until Jake was close enough, then I jumped of the couch, slinging the pillow down on top of his head, causing him to stumble back.

"Oh my god!" He laughed holding the top of his head. We all dropped our pillows and fell to the floor in exhaustion and laughter. Sam and Colby walked in on us sitting on the floor breathing heavily and making fun of each others pillow fighting skills.

"What the heck was all that?" Sam asked concerned.

"A pillow fight!" I exclaimed.

"Without us?" Colby asked offended.

"Y'all's job is to do all the technical and serious shit, our job is to goof around." Corey said throwing one of his pillows at Jakes face.

"Oh come on!" Jake complained.

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