chapter 6.

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    "Oh we were just talking," replied Colby.

    "Yea ok." Said Sam sitting beside Colby. "How long have y'all been up?"

"All night." I replied

"All night?" Sam asked. "Doing what?"

"Well drawing and talking to each other." I responded.

    "Well we better get going soon Colby to prepare for The Sallie house more, I still have some stuff I need to get done before we go." Sam said.

    "The Sallie house? Your going to the Sallie house?" I asked.

    "Yea, have you heard of it?" Sam asked.

    "Of course I have, it's one of the most haunted places in Kansas, who hasn't?" I replied

    "Well, we are visiting it with Jake and Corey." Sam said.

    "Oh no well have fun with that," I laughed. "I've been wanting to go to the Sallie house for a while." I said looking back at the sunrise. We talked a little more until Jake and Corey woke up. They packed all of their stuff together and headed back downstairs. "Thank you for letting me film with you, it was really fun! I don't get to hang out with people much." I said.

    "No, thank you Sav! You made the video a lot more interesting! And you also pretty much saved Jakes life." Sam added. We talked as we made our way to the front. We started walking through the woods when I noticed Colby was walking a little behind. I walked back to him and walked with him.

    "Hey, you good?" I ask.

    "Yea yea I'm good." He says still looking at the ground. He looks back up at me and smiles. "I really enjoyed talking to you last night."

"So did I!" I smiled back at him. I think Sam noticed how we were taking a liking to each other.

"Hey Sav, is it we get your number in case you ever wanna go exploring again?" Sam asked. "Before we go back to California?"

"You... wanna go exploring with me again?" I ask slightly confused. They have ran into and explored with multiple other people but never invited them back? Why was I special?

"Yea if that's ok with you." Sam said.

"Sure! I would love too!" I put my phone number in Sam's phone. We made it out of the woods and I said bye to everyone. I skated back to the house and couldn't help but smile the whole way there. I stopped outside my house and hesitated walking in. Was anybody home? It was still early in the morning so I'm not sure who is at work and who is still home. I set my skateboard down and walked to the back door. I quietly opened the door and shut it behind me. There was no reason I should need to sneak into my own house. This was ridiculous. I walk in and freeze, seeing Keely sitting down at the table.

"Where have you been all night? Last time I recalled you didn't have any friends to run off with." She snarked.

"Why do you care?" I said back.

"Because I wanna know! What did you do sleep in the woods with the little raccoons?" She teased.

"No, I didn't sleep? Why does it even matter to you so much? I had no work that needed to be done yesterday and I don't have any that needs to be done today." I replied trying to go to my room, but she stopped me before I could get there.

       "Don't talk to me like that!" She yelled.

    "Your not my mom Keely, move out of the way." I said trying to walk to my room.

    "And what if I don't, huh?" She said getting in my face.

    "Keely I don't wanna fight with you just let me go to my room," I mumbled. She harshly pushed me to the floor.

    "I can make you homeless real quick bitch, don't you ever forget the power me and Anthony hold over you." She spat, getting down close to my face. "Don't you ever forget what you did you monster. I'm tired of you talking to me like this." I tried to get up but she took a hold of my shirt and pushed me back down. "When I get back home this house better be spotless, I'm having a party tonight and some really hot guys are coming. You BETTER not get in the way!" She barked before grabbing her stuff and walking out of the house. I sat up and stormed off to my room, slamming the door behind me. I sat on my bed and just cried, and I don't cry much.

I will never be able to escape what I did. Escape my past. Anybody finding out would ruin my life forever. And I can't let that happen.

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