chapter 3.

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    "Oh hey we never quite caught your name?" Sam said.

    "Oh yea sorry, my name is Savannah, Savannah Reed. But you can call me Sav.

     "I like that name." Jake and Corey said at the same time.

    "JINX! HA YOU CAN'T TALK!" Corey yelled.

    "Thank god..." I heard Colby mumble.

    "Oh yea and who's stopping me!" Jake said getting up in Corey's face.

    "Are they always like this?" I asked pointing at them.

    "Yes, yes they are." Sam replied.

Sam started back up the camera.

    "So guys funny story, turns out that loud bang was just another explorer we ran into and she is gonna tell us more about this mall," he started. He pointed the camera to me.

    "Hi, my name is Sav and your lovely YouTubers just scared the life out of me so I am gonna show them around!" I said with my thumbs up and an exaggerated smile. 

    "Well where should we go first?" Sam asked.

    "Wherever you want, it's your channel." I replied.

    "Well we brought some penny boards and you have your skateboard so what if we set our stuff down, explore a little, then ride around?" Sam said.

    "Sounds good to me!" I said again. This was insane, was I actually just invited to film with a whole bunch of random YouTubers I happened to run into? Literally ran into? We walked by the old fountain and Jake looked at it.

    "What's this thing?" He said pointing at it as we set our stuff down.

    "That's a fountain you dumb fuck." Corey replied in an "that's obviously a fountain" tone. I mean it was pretty obvious that it was an old fountain. Jake stared at Corey and proceeded to slowly get into the fountain not breaking eye contact. Then he started acting like a fish. Corey then proceeded to act like an exited little girl, jumping into the fountain after Jake doing the same thing. Sam and Colby just looked at each other, looked at Jake and Corey, then looked back at each other.

    "Why do we invite them?" Sam asked.

    "That's a good question I wish I had the answer too." Colby replied looking back at them, still acting like fish.

I said looking at them concerningly. "Idk what the fuck your swimming in but okay."

    They then looked at each other and started flailing around acting like dying fish.

    "That's it I'm leaving." Sam said walking away.

    "Me too." Said Colby walking with Sam.

    "I'm right behind you." I followed them past the fountain and Jake and Corey decided they should probably follow too not wanting to be left behind. What a weird but fun group of people.

    We explored the bottom floor of the mall for a while and I showed them some cool spots. I showed them certain holes in the walls I used to escape from other people sometimes and places where there was still a lot of rubble.

    "Wow this is so beautiful," Colby said pointing to a spray paint picture of an eye on one of the pillars while everyone else walked ahead to the escalators.

    "Oh you think so?" I said smiling.

    "Yea it's so, mesmerizing." He said looking up at it.

    "What if I told you I did that?" I said looking at him smirking.

    "What! You did that!" He smiled, making eye contact with me. On the topic of eyes, wow, his eyes were so much prettier in person.

    "Yea I usually don't spray paint things but I did do that." I said shrugging. "It isn't my best work but it looks good for spray paint. Besides, almost all artist can draw good eyes anyways."

    "Well I think it's cool." He mumbled, smiling back up at it.

    "WOAH GUYS COME CHECK THIS OUT!" Sam screamed from under the escalators. I knew exactly what he was talking about when I saw Corey's face.

    "Oh heck no brother I'm getting out of here." Corey laughed nervously while walking past us with his hands on his head. I walked over with Colby to see the big red pentagram spray painted on the floor, Sam and Jake crouching to look at it closer. The escalators hid it unless you where right behind them.

    "Oh yea, forgot to mention that..." I laughed. "It's been here forever, at least ever since I have been coming here."

    "How long have you been coming here exactly?" Sam asked, not looking away from the pentagram.

    "About 3 or 4 years," I replied. "So it's not new. I keep track of any new graffiti since I come here so often."

    "Oh thank god!" Corey said, staring at it from a far.

    "Hey Corey rock, paper, scissors whoever loses has to sit in the middle!" Jake screamed at him standing back up.

    "WHAT? NO!" Corey screamed back.

    "Hey do you guys wanna go see what's upstairs?" Sam said while Jake proceeded to try and convince Corey to sit in the middle of it.

    "Yea sure." Colby replied. He was actually a lot quieter in person. He didn't talk that much.

    "There is also a roof you can get on too." I said looking at Sam who nodded, also standing back up.

    "Alright let's go then!" Said Jake skipping around to the front of the escalators.

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