chapter 8.

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    "Only if you want to." Sam said.

    "Are you sure? Usually it's just you four and I don't wanna ruin it or anything-" I started.

    "Sav we really want you to come with us, we don't just invite anybody you know," Colby said. "We all agreed on it and you can't ruin it, we all enjoyed hanging out with you and we all feel like you should come."

    "I mean if it's ok with you all, I would love to come!" I smiled at Colby. He smiled back at me and I saw genuine happiness in his eyes. Right when I smiled at Colby, Keely came over to give us "refills" on our drinks.

    "Alright here you go," she said obviously trying way to hard to look cute. She then takes one of the drinks and "accidentally" spills it all over me. "Opps." She muttered.

    "KEELY WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled standing up.

    "Oh ma'am I'm so sorry please don't be mad I didn't mean to I swear!" She said innocently playing the victim. Jake and Colby tried to grab me napkins but I was already running off to the bathroom. She just fucking embarrassed me in front of them! I didn't even get to be happy about the fact I was invited to a huge trip with them! I hadn't even processed it yet!

    I tried to clean of my outfit but it wasn't working, at least it was only water. I just looked into the mirror not knowing what to do. I hadn't realized I had been crying and I tried my best to fix my makeup.

    "Sav? You ok?" Colby said from outside the door.

    "No," I simply responded back.

    "I'm sorry." He said sympathetically, leaning on the wall.

    "Don't be." I said.

    "Was it bad? Do you need anything? I have an extra sweatshirt if you want it?" He said. No, it wasn't bad, I didn't need anything, but damn did I want his sweatshirt.

"Thank you so much but no I've got it, it was just water it wasn't to bad." I said putting on my jacket and walking out.

    "You still look great." He said from beside me.

    "Thanks," I said with a small smile.

    "We aren't gonna let her ruin your day ok?" He said looking down at me holding both of my hands, his cold rings on my palms. "Remember, you have a trip to get ready for." He said smiling. We walked back over to the table and sat down.

    "You good?" Sam asked.

    "Yea I'm ok." I said looking down. "Sorry about that. She's my roommate," I sighed. "She hates my guts, I only told Colby about her, and that's why we walked away earlier." I said looking up at them.

    "Ohhh that makes more sense." Sam said.

"Damn what a bitch." Corey blurted out. We all looked at him.

"It's true, who the hell thinks it's ok to do that?" Jake added on.

"Oh we agree with you both brother." Colby said scoffing.

    "Anyways," I said trying to ignore what just happened. "About this Sallie house thing, what all do I need to know about it?" Keely had kinda ruined the moment so I decided I would be happy about it later.

    "Well we can get to the house at 4:00 pm but there's really no limit for how long we can stay there, nobody has it booked out for the next few days, but we aren't spending the night there or anything." Sam said. "We will explain most of the rest when we get there, though you probably already know a lot about it."

    "Alright then, I'll see you there." I smiled. We finished eating and Keely came with the check.

"Here you go," she said sitting the check down on the table. She gave me a death glare and Colby sat up in front of me glaring at her back. She scoffed a little and walked away. I looked back at everyone and they were, they were all doing the same thing. After she left they all turned back to each other and acted like nothing happened. I couldn't help but smile a little, trying to hide the bigger smile underneath. We payed and got up to walk out. We walked towards the door but then again, here came Keely walking up to us.

"Here you go," she said handing Colby a paper giggling. It was a party invite that had our address and her number on it. "Hope to see you there, and you can bring all of your friends if you'd like." she winked.

"Oh you'll see me there." He said smiling.

"See ya cutie." She said before blowing him a kiss and walking away. What the hell just happened.

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