chapter 14.

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    "SAM ARE TOU OKAY? SAM," Colby was yelling from the backseat, pulling Sam's head up to look at his neck.

    "IM FINE ALRIGHT!" He yelled pushing Colby's hand away. "I'm fine."

    Jake found a park far enough away before pulling in and parking.

   "Alright everybody out." He said. We all practically fell out of the car. Sam found a nearby patch of grass before falling to his knees trying to catch his breath.

    "Sam look at me," Colby demanded. "Just breath it's okay, your okay." Corey had stayed silent this whole time. The look of fear never leaving his face. I found a tree nearby and sank down against it. Sam had the attention of the guys, leaving me sitting there trying to process what had happened.

    It was all a lie. That day Anthony insisted on getting out his father's guns to show us. I thought they weren't loaded. We all did. It happened so fast, Ace was never good with blood, no wonder he passed out. I thought he had died right there. They wheeled him into the ambulance and I never saw him again. I thought that was it. But they lied. I was too scared to ask questions. I wasn't thinking logically. After all this time, all the shit I've been through, it was all for nothing.

    At this point I was hyperventilat-ing. I couldn't see anything, I couldn't hear anything. I almost got my friend killed.

    "SAV," Colby yelled. "SAV SNAP OUT OF IT!" All the sudden I'm brought back to reality, all the guys now surrounding me. I could only look up and say one thing.

    "I'm so sorry-"



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