Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

~Destani Smith~

Maya has been attending my high school for the whole days and she has managed to find every possible way to avoid me.

I knew she was upset over the fact I was unusually dating Alison but I just want to explain that I like her though. It's just that Alison is so persistent. And pretty.

She didn't even sit with us at lunch. I don't even know where she goes off to during lunch but I know she is here.

If we were walking towards each other, she'd see me, turn on her heel and walk away.

That was frustrating because she wasn't exactly being secretive about it. She let everyone know she was avoiding me.

Meanwhile, I was avoiding my own sister for practically disowning me in front of all those kids. That bitch. We drove home together but that is how far our interaction goes.

Our lunch table was two members short since Ruben and Maya weren't sitting there.

Ruben is suspended for apparently using profanity while Nicholas and him were in the office discussing what happened.

"That's still f*cked up," Jordan complained."Nick gets off scott free while Ruben is missing his schoolwork."

"What did you expect? They have a game tonight and they need their star player," Camilla scoffed in disgust.

"The football team sucks anyway. You know they'll just lose," Walter said, adjusting his glasses.

A whole bunch of dirt and rocks were sent flying onto our lunch table, once again ruining our lunch.

We looked around to Nicholas, where he was standing, smirking at us.

"Lets sabotage their game tonight," Jordan suggested, quietly."Ignore the idiot."

"They don't need to be sabotaged. Believe me, they'll lose just fine without our help," Dustin said. Dustin have Nick the middle finger.

"Shut the f*ck up, f*g bag!" Nick shouted.

"I didn't even talk to you, bitch!" Dustin shouted back. His squad and our squad started yelling back and forth until one of Nick's friends whispered something in his ear.

I watched Nick's reaction, he bit his lip and smiled a little bit. Everything calmed down once the friend settled them down. They walked off together.

"Those bitches," Camilla complained. I smiled.

"Did you guys not see that?" I asked, excitedly.

"What?" Walter asked, chuckling at my excitement.

"When that kid whispered in Nick's ear," I said.

"Luke?" Dustin asked.

"I guess," I said, shrugging, not really knowing the guy's name."He whispered in Nick's ear. Nick bit his lip and smiled and now they walked off together. He likes boys."

"The way they walked off was weird," Walter commented.

"Lets follow them," Dustin suggested.

No one had to tell us twice. We were eating outside and we went inside the building where we saw the two boys run off to.

The building was pretty much empty because everyone was either in the cafeteria, outside eating lunch or in class.

No one was allowed to be in the building when they were supposed to be at lunch because the administrators are worried about incidents occurring while the hallways was near empty.

We heard footsteps and we were extra quiet so we wouldn't be heard. The hallway was filled with turns. We poked our heads around the corner we heard the footsteps from and saw them exit through another door of the building; towards the boys and girl' locker rooms.

"The boys locker room is empty this period," Dustin said. We heard an AP coming so we quickly ran towards the door we saw Luke and Nick exit through.

Anyone caught in the hallways during the two lunch hours will be sent to ISS. We exited the door and didn't see Luke or Nick.

They're in the locker rooms. They have to be.

We quietly opened the door of the locker room. I tip toed inside and signaled the others to stay behind because we'd make too much noise if we all entered at once.

They held the door open because the door makes a loud noise when it closes.

There was a wall blocking me from seeing anything. I had to turn the corner, and I heard kissing noises.

Once I turned the corner I saw Luke on Nick's lap, shirtless and they sucking each other's faces off.

I clamped my hand over my mouth to keep from shrieking and them noticing me.

I pulled out my phone and started recording the duo. I smiled. This was excellent blackmail.

At one point, Luke got on his knees and started unbuckling Nick's jeans. At this point, I had stopped recording but Nick head immediately snapped towards me.

I did what anyone else would do; run. My friends were still at the door so when they saw me running, they sprinted too.

"Wait, why the hell are we running?" Dustin said, stopping in his tracks. The rest of us did too.

Nick ran out along with Luke by his side. Luke was still topless and Nick's pants were still unbuttoned.

We outnumbered them. They couldn't do anything to us now that he didn't have the football team to back him up.

"Why the hell did you follow us?" Nick screamed angrily.

"You mad we found out your little secret?" I teased."You always bother us but now we got dirt on you."

"What did you see?" Alison asked. 

"They were making out," I said, smirking.

"Nobody is gonna believe you losers," Luke said.

"You're right," I said."They'll never believe us if we say that the star player is gay." I nodded."Lets go guys."

"What?" Alison asked,"We're just gonna give up like that?"

"C'mon," I said sternly. They followed quietly, mumbling their disdain. As soon as we were in the building, I pulled out my phone. I saw extremely giddy.

"I got video," I said, giggling.



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