Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

~Destani Smith~

My sister drove me to school that morning.

"Don't be lame in this school too," She said sternly in the car. I rolled my eyes.

"Keisha, I have zero control of what people think about me," I said. I can be awkward but I try to make friends. It's not like I go around trying to be a loner.

I exited the car and walked towards the large building. Madison High School the sign read. I looked at some students who were hanging out infront of the building but quickly averted my gaze.

I climbed up the steps and into the building with three floors. My first class was Trigonometry on the second floor. I walked up the steps and down towards the end of the hall. I tried not looking at other people because I didn't want anyone thinking I was staring at them.

I felt as if I was out of place, because everyone just looked the same. No one has any crazy hair colors, no piercings, it was just bland.

I entered the classroom and there were a few kids already in there. I took a seat at a desk that was located in the first row.

The desks were in pairs so the desk next to mine was closer than I liked it to be. I had a pet peeve about personal space so I pushed the desk away from mine a little.

As minutes passed by, more and more kids began to fill the room. When the room was almost full, someone sat next to me. I could see them in my peripheral vision but couldn't see the face.

It wasn't until the person pulled my desk closer to theirs that I turned my head towards them.

It was an attractive boy with dark skin and emerald eyes. He wasn't big, quite skinny actually. He must have played basketball if he was that tall.

"Hey, cutie," he said with a smile.

"Hey," I replied, not really knowing what else to say. I tend to not to pursue conversations with people I didn't know.

"What's your name?" He asked.

"Destani, you?" I responded.

"Jordan," He said."You fine, you know that?" I felt my cheeks warm up.

"Thanks," I said timidly. No one has ever been so straightforward with me like that but he is seriously making up the wrong tree right now if he's flirting.

"I didn't see you last year," He said."Was you here?"

"No, actually I moved here from Florida in the middle of the summer," I said.

"Florida," He repeated as if it was some magic word."Is it nice over there?"

I nodded,"Yeah, it gets hot though. Here, even though it's summer, it's not that hot."

"Wait until it's winter, you'll freeze," He said."It snows here." I wasn't ready for snow, I had never touched snow before and I had a feeling I wouldn't like it. I lived in Miami all my life and as you know doesn't get insanely cold.

"Wow," I huffed. The tardy bell sounded loudly throughout the classroom and no doubt the whole school.

Our teacher walked in the classroom with a dark brown briefcase. He had black hair that was slicked back with hair gel and he had a white cotton button-up shirt tucked into his khaki colored dress pants. He looked young, probably not a day over thirty but yet he was dressed for success.

"Hello, class, my name is Mr.Benett and I will be your trigonometry teacher for the remainder of the year," He announced with an extremely deep voice."For those of you that had me last year, you know I don't tolerate foolishness."

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