Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

~Destani Smith~

My confidence was coming from Maya because as soon as she left, I felt like a scared child once again. I didn't even want to turn around to look at my mother knowing that she was angry at my rude comments.

"Get in the house," she said, sternly.

I turned around slowly and nodded my head as I walked towards the house. She stood by the doorway staring at me as I entered the house and that made me nervous.

The door shut behind me hard. She was definitely not happy with me. I turned around to look at her.

"What is the matter with you?" she snapped."Embarrassing this family like you are! You are a Christian girl."

"I know," I said."But I like girls, Mom. What do you want me to say."

"No, you don't. When Sunday comes, you're going to church."

Keisha and I have been not been attending church since we've moved to this town because we have convinced our mom that we don't feel comfortable attending a church we aren't familiar with. My father attends occasionally and my mother always goes to socialize with people afterwards.

"You think me going to church is going to fix this?" I snapped."Nothing is wrong with me!"

I heard a noise and I quickly turned around too see that Keisha had come out of her hiding space. I glared at her. Why couldn't she have just kept her big mouth shut for one time in her life?

"You f*cking bitch!" I screamed before I charged at her. I tackled her body to the ground before she had any time to react.

I punched her in the face and grabbed her hair and punched her in the face again. She scratched my neck and that made me cry out in pain because she has sharp nails but I managed to punch her in the face before she overpowered me and pinned me down. She spit in my face,"Don't lay your hands on me."

Her fist connected with my jaw and that's when my mother decided to break up the altercation. My jaw was hurting like a bitch though and that's probably because I'm just not meant to be fighting anyone. My hand felt like it was going to damn near break from punching my older sister.

"That is enough, Destani!" my mother screamed sternly as if I was a little kid that needed to be chastised."You're going to church and I'm going to tell the minister about your tendencies and he'll straighten you out."

I rolled my eyes,"You're telling people my business now!?"

"Excuse me? Your business is already out in the open because of some little outburst at your lunch time," she said in a snappy tone. I frowned. Did Keisha literally repeat everything she saw at lunch today to our mother? I thought sisters were supposed to have each other's backs but instead they rat each other out."And I begged mom not to make a big deal of it."

"Well look what happened!" I didn't even notice the angry tears streaming down my face.

Keisha gave me an apologetic look before shrugging her shoulders. I frowned. It was way too late for apologies. I glared at my mother.


My mother didn't allow me to attend school for the rest of the week which was a complete shock because my mother doesn't like it when we skip school.

"Get ready for church now, Destani!" my mother said in a threatening tone. Exactly what I want to hear on a peaceful Sunday morning.

I slowly got out of my comfortable bed and headed for my shower. This was the perfect way to be disturbed on Sunday; be forced to go to church. I couldn't protest though, because she was my mother and you have to listen to your parents. Most of the time.

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