[20] room service

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it was an hour later and akaashi still couldn't escape the gross feeling he felt after interacting with makino. as soon as they got back to the hotel room he took a scolding shower, scrubbing every surface of himself thrice. while it brought him temporary relief, he still wasn't all there once the bright red of  his skin calmed down.

now he sat on the living room couch of bokuto's room half-watching, half-drifting as some random movie played.

"you don't want to go out to eat, right?" bokuto asked walking out of the bathroom having just finished his own shower.

they only had two hours left of the night before a driver would be around to take them to the nearest airport. after that it was onto a new city and a new set of problems.

"no, i really don't feel like moving to be honest," akaashi replied.

bokuto chuckled, "i feel that. maybe i'll just order room service, the restaurant in this hotel is supposedly good."

"mm that works with me."

bokuto nodded before heading over to where the phone sat on a pearlescent marble stand. underneath the phone was a well placed menu for the restaurant and an extension number for room service. he grabbed the menu, eyeing it for a minute before handing it to akaashi.

"pick whatever you want."

akaashi's eyes raked over the menu. the menu certainly had a range offering a wide variety of japanese food, other various asian cuisine, and even some american menu items. he quickly chose, telling bokuto his order. the older placed the call, hanging up when done. bokuto leisured over to the couch, plopping down in a spot right next to akaashi. their bodies tightly pressed against each other that bokuto's arm rested upon akaashi's own arm. the younger tried to not let it show that he was affected by this.

"what are you even watching?"

"honestly no clue. i think it's a chick flic because the main character has broken up with her boyfriend at least 3 different times in the last 40 minutes."

bokuto chuckled, "quality production, what can i say."

akaashi laughed at the response. the movie was now at one of those classic "glow-up" montages where the main character got a complete new makeover and was suddenly pretty.

"all they did was take off her glasses and change her style," bokuto muttered.

"hey, that's peak chick flic movie. i think every movie in this genre has to have at least one of them."

bokuto shook his head lightly smiling, "odd."

they continued to watch the movie in silence before a ringing phone interrupted the characters who were now going to the hottest party in town with their new makeovers. bokuto stood up, akaashi immediately missing the closeness of the older.

"hello?...yes this is room 603...ah okay, thank you for letting me know, i'll be right down."

he ended the conversation, walking towards the hotel door, and slipping on his shoes. "room service called and said they're running behind on orders.  we'd either have to wait another 10 minutes for it be delivered to our room or i could just go down there now and grab it myself," he explained.

"oh okay. i could go down and get it yknow. or i can come with you and help you get it," akaashi offered feeling bad that bokuto was the one who volunteered.

"it's okay, you're my secretary not my maid. i'm a big boy i can do it myself," he grinned.

akaashi smiled shaking his head, "if you insist."

bokuto exited the room letting the door close behind him with a light click. akaashi returned to the tv.

"you promised you wouldn't cheat again!" the girl exclaimed.

"baby, i told you i'm not cheating-!"

"you fat mouthed liar!"

'god i should really just change the channel,' akaashi internally cringed reaching for the remote.

as he was about to grab it he heard a knock on the door. 'back already?' akaashi frowned. it hadn't even been three minutes since bokuto left. he walked over to the door, looking out the peephole to see who was knocking. it was two men dressed in fancy suits sporting a white clothed roller table with fancy  containers sitting on top.

akaashi opened the door.

"room service," one man chimed.

"ah sorry, i thought you guys were running behind?"

the men moved past him with the rolley table, stopping once they were in the middle of the room.

"we were, but we caught up quicker than we thought," the other guy explained. but his attention wasn't on akaashi nor the food, instead his eyes surveyed the room as if he was checking for something.

"oh, okay. well you can just leave the food here and charge it to the room. i have to call my friend because he went down thinking it would take a while longer," akaashi explained, walking towards the couch and grabbing his phone that sat on the cushions.

"that won't be necessary," he heard one guy chuckle over his shoulder.

"sorry, what was that?"

but before he could turn his head and get his answer, a ratty cloth was placed over his mouth and nose. he began struggling but someone held onto him tightly to stop him from moving. he continued to squirm anyways and yell but it was too muffled by the cloth to produce any real noise. soon enough his screams for help and movements slowly became weaker as seconds passed. eventually he found his eyes darkening and him limbs giving out. all he knew next was darkness swallowing him whole.

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