[23] detective...?

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after an hour of grueling phone calls and pulling some strings, bokuto had managed to round up some private investigators around the osaka area to try and find out where akaashi could have gone.

"and you said he went missing right during the timeframe of 9:30-9:45pm, is that correct?"

bokuto nodded solemnly, "i just left the room for 10 minutes and then he was just...gone," he flung his hand up.

the two detectives gave each other a knowing look, before turning back to the distressed male in front of them.

"we watched the camera footage that the hotel provided us and during the time that you said, two well dressed men that we presume was hotel service, came up to the room with a catering cart. they went in and out of the room and nothing seemed suspicious about them, but that was the only activity the cameras caught. we didn't see akaashi-san leave the hotel room during that time or anytime before or after that."

"room service men?" bokuto frowned, "but i went downstairs to pick up the food because they called and said they couldn't deliver it up to the room?"

"yes, and we're thinking that may have a ruse to get you out of the room. based on the background you've provided, it seems akaashi-san had people who were out for him. essentially, we're lead to believe this was a fully planned abduction."

bokuto didn't say anything for a moment. in the back of his head he knew that a planned kidnapping was most likely what occurred. after kenma's insight, bokuto knew how dangerous it was for akaashi to be in osaka and how his father had never truly stopped looking for him. but he tried not to believe that was truly the case. he wanted akaashi to just walk through the hotel room doors, apologizing for staying out too late and not telling bokuto his whereabouts—that he just forgot his phone and that he's ready to continue their planned trip. bokuto knew that was just him being in denial, but as the detective said the words he was dreading to hear, he knew the situation was all too real.

"i guess that makes sense..." bokuto drawled out not wanting to admit it, "it would explain why the lady working the counter was very confused to see me. she didn't say anything specific, but she certainly didn't expect my coming down like how i'd been lead to believe..."

"we'll have to talk with her and see if it was actually the hotel who called you or someone else," the man noted. "we'll keep looking into it and trying to find who these men are that entered the hotel room. we'll also look into akaashi's father as you mentioned. however, i'll warn you now. this will be an extremely hard case to unravel if it is his father. as you know i'm sure he has his own power and influence, and accusing him of kidnapping his own son won't be easy," the man warned.

"of course, i didn't assume it would be," bokuto sighed.

"in the meantime, try and get some rest and we'll handle it. we'll get akaashi-san back to you in no time."

bokuto nodded, "i appreciate all your help detective...?"

"daichi," he finished. "we'll find him soon," he gave a sympathetic smile.

him and the other detective left the room leaving bokuto by himself. it was already 1am and the flight for tomorrow had been canceled, as well as all follow-up plans. he paced around the hotel room that now seemed too vast for just one person.

he couldn't help but feel like it was his fault that akaashi went missing. he had dragged him into this business trip vaguely knowing about akaashi's messed up history. sure akaashi agreed on his own terms, but bokuto should've just told him to stay in tokyo—that he could've done it by himself. instead he wanted akaashi to come with him, not because bokuto needed him there, but because of his own selfishness and wanting the younger to be with him.

now akaashi was out there somewhere, maybe in osaka, maybe in some entirely different city by now. bokuto didn't know if akaashi was safe or not either and the fact that he could be in harm right now made bokuto's stomach twist.

'no, you can't think like that. that kind of thinking only leads to helplessness.'

he shook his head, choosing to head to bed seeing how late it was. though this proved slightly futile because nothing could stop the worry that tugged at his conscious for the younger's well-being. all he wanted was for akaashi to come join him in bed like he had the previous nights. instead, the bed remained empty and way too oversized for just one person.

he wasn't sure what time he finally fell asleep, but he woke up to the sound of his phone ringing and vibrating loudly on the bedside table. he grabbed it off the coffee table, taken aback by the unexpected caller. he accepted the call.


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