Chapter Eighteen

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Thomas holds my hand, kissing my knuckles and playing with my fingers. Resting his head in my lap while I flip through the pages of material I have to study. Minho sits on his bed with his headphones in, complaining that we were too boring.

"Are you sure you aren't bored?" I ask for the tenth time. "Nope." Thomas says, smiling up at me.

"I feel bad, I've been studying for an hour. I can go back to my dorm if you want?" I say this knowing that I want nothing less than to leave Thomas.

"Please don't go. I like having you here, even if you're studying I just like knowing you're here," he says quietly, siting up to face me. Nodding I kiss him quickly before turning back to the book.

"What're you reading anyways?"

"I don't even know," we both laugh. "I have to write six pages about it though." Frowning I sigh and flick through the pages, bored out of my mind.

"Will you read it out loud?" Looking over at Thomas I furrow my eyebrows and smile, "Why?"

"Because then you don't have to read something boring alone...And I want to listen to your voice." Thomas smiles and I feel a small blush on my cheeks.

"Why?" I ask again, fighting off a smile.

"Because I love your voice. Your accent is really adorable but also really attractive." Thomas smirks at me I roll my eyes before we both break into a fit of laughter.

"Fine!" I laugh, picking up the book and reading the words aloud. Thomas's phone rings but he ignores it. "Continue," he smiles. Taking a deep breath I turn the page and continue reading. Thomas's phone rings again and he groans, ignoring the call. "Shouldn't you answer that?" I ask.

"Nah, it's just my mom. I'll talk to her later."

Something about it gives me an odd feeling, Thomas's family never calls him. It could just be a coincidence but, "what if it's something important?" I ask. Thomas's phone rings yet again, this time a text.

"Babe it's fine." Thomas laughs kissing my cheek. I laugh it off but can't shake the odd feeling I'm getting. "Okay, yeah." Continuing to read to Thomas I push the call to the back of my mind. I'm just being paranoid, nothing is going on. The more I think about it the stupider it sounds.


"See, I told you it was boring!" I laugh after half an hour of reading. "Yeah you're right." Thomas smiles, "but it's less boring when you read it to me."

Taking the book from my hand Thomas sets it aside and pulls me close to him. Bringing his lips to mine he kisses me slowly, sliding my hands around his waist the kiss deepens.

"Cut it out!" Minho calls. Breaking away Thomas rolls his eyes, "Fuck you Minho."

Without removing his headphones or even looking up from his laptop he holds up his middle finger. Holding in a laugh Thomas glances at me before breaking into a smile.

Thomas's phone rings again and he groans. "It's fine babe," Thomas says before I can even open my mouth. Chuckling I lean forward and kiss him lightly.

Putting his hand in the small of my back Thomas pulls his body against mine and closes the gap between us, kissing me hard. He grips the fabric of my shirt in his hands. Running my hands up his arms and onto his neck I lose myself in the kiss. All that matters is the feel of Thomas against me and it feels as if I'm floating.

This time Minho doesn't say anything but Thomas pulls away after a couple minutes and hugs me tightly. "I'm so happy you're part of my life Newt," Thomas whispers, his voice is muffled from my shirt.

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