Chapter Thirty

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After breakfast Thomas and I rejoined his family in the living room. We all sit around and talk for a bit before Thomas's mother announces that she and Thomas's dad are going to run a quick errand.

They leave a few minutes later and Thomas and I take their seats on the couch.

"It's Christmas Eve," Teresa says. "I feel like we should be watching a Christmassy movie or listening to holiday music or something?"

"Oh god don't make us sing Chirstmas music again Teresa," Peter groans, getting a laugh out of everybody.

"Oh shut up!" She laughs, hitting his arm playfully.

I laugh lightly and watch them banter, Thomas puts his hand over mine and intertwines our fingers.

"Want to know what we should do?" Chuck giggles.

"What do you have in mind?" Thomas asks him.

"We should all build a snowman!" He smiles.

After debating if we all really want to go outside in the snow Teresa and Chuck convince us.

Thomas and I head to his room to grab jackets while everybody else puts on their shoes and such.

Closing the door Thomas wraps his arms around me from behind, I bite my lip to keep from giggling.

"What are you doing?" I ask, turning around in his arms.

"Are you having a good time?" He ignores my question, kissing me on the forehead.

"Yes I am," I assure him, leaning forward to kiss his lips softly.

The kiss only last a quick second before he's pulling away.

"I guess we should get our coats." He reluctantly lets me go and rummages around in his bag before finding a coat. I do the same beside him and soon we're ready to go.

Walking back out into the living room it seems that everybody is ready, quickly slipping on our shoes we all head outside.

Chuck immediately runs into the snow and Teresa laughs, following after him. Peter sighs and sits down on the porch. "I'll watch you guys," he calls out, earning an eye roll from Teresa.

"Party pooper!" She shouts.

Thomas and I laugh and watch from the porch. Looking over at Thomas I see that snowflakes have landed in his hair, somehow making him even more beautiful. I lose myself while staring at him, studying ever feature of his face.

"Newt!" Chucks calls, grabbing my attention, I pull my eyes away from Thomas and look out at him in the yard. "Come help us!" He laughs.

I smile and look over at Thomas, gesturing for him to follow me.

"Wow Chuck, you don't even ask your own brother?" He teases, acting offended but ends up laughing.

"Well I get to see you all the time, Newt is only here for a week." Chuck says, turning back to the snowman they've started. I smile at the fact that Thomas's younger brother likes me.

Thomas and I walk out to the yard and start helping Chuck and Teresa with their snowman.

When we finish up all of our cheeks are rosy and we're freezing cold. Running inside the house I rub my hands together to keep warm.

I excuse myself to Thomas's room to change my clothes which got soaked from the snow.

Changing quickly in the bathroom I toss my damp clothes aside and walk back to the living room.

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