Chapter 10.

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After my total embarrassing meltdown Danny could tell that was just what I was embarrassed. He tried to comfort me but Colton wasn't pleased with that. Every time Danny would get to close to me Colton would growl at him.

I could tell Colton's wolf was still present. I didn't want to push him any more at the moment so I excused myself to go to the restroom. I splashed my face with cold water and then wiped off my neck and arms. I was still slightly hot and because of my panic attack I felt sticky now.

A few more deep breaths to calm my nerves "okay Lux you're being silly Danny isn't going anywhere." I tried to convince myself. While the more logical part of me knew that was true. The part where my insecurities lie told me otherwise.

I guess because I've always relied on Danny and his friendship the moment I felt that that could be ripped away from me I panicked. I just need to make Colton understand that I can't live without Danny. "Yeah that is going to go well" I thought.

With a sigh I walked out of the bathroom to find Colton leaning up aginst the wall with his arms crossed. "Those sure are some nice arms. Don't. Get a grip Luxington." Shaking those thoughts away before it goes any farther. "Where's Danny?" I asked when I didn't see any sign of him.

He growled low in his chest and his eyes shifted darker. "So it's best to not mention Danny just yet." I obviously thought. He just grabbed my hand in a firm grip but I can tell he was making sure he wasn't hurting me. He started pulling me down the hall, but said nothing.

"Where are we going?" I asked. Still he said nothing. He pulled me out the front entrance. I looked around waiting for someone to yell at us for leaving but no one ever came. I guess it's because who Colton is. "Must be nice. Just because you're future alpha you can just kidnapp an innocent girl and all." I sarcastically wispered but of course he heard.

He growled once again and spun around fast startling me. Getting in my face "I'm not kidnapping you. You belong to me and you aren't very innocent." He harshly said to me. I'm sure my face took on a look of shock before it turned into one of anger.

I ripped my hand out of his grasp. I don't know if he let me do it or if he didn't expect me to do it and that's how I was able to. "How dare you! I don't belong to anyone and I did nothing wrong." I shot back.

His eyes darken a shade but didn't turn completely black. I could tell he was trying hard to push his wolf down. I have a feeling if I wasn't Colton's mate this situation would be going differently. "That's where you're wrong Lux. You're my mate." He said as if that cleared everything up.

He grabbed my hand again and began to pull me off again. I tried to pull my hand back but his grip grew tighter. "That doesn't mean shit and besides you rejected me." He stopped walking and I bumped into his back. Taking a step back he turned around.

"I didn't reject you... yet." He spoke in a sad tone before he continued walking. His words made my chest ache. Yet. Why is he acting all possessive if he plans on officially rejecting me still? It made no sense to me but I was to deep into my feelings to even ask.

I stopped pulling and willingly followed him. He walked up to his big black suv. Opening the passenger side door and motioned for me to get in. Did he really expected me to go with him? Why? He should just reject me and get it over with.

With a sigh I decided just to get in. Maybe it was the fact that I felt a bit depressed that I just listened. He slammed the door and proceeded to get in on the drivers side. He said nothing as he pulled out of the parking lot and drove off to god know where. Still he said nothing.

I was okay with it because I didn't feel much like talking to him right now. The one person I felt like talking to wasn't here. Danny. If I tried to text Danny Colton might find out, get mad and take my phone. I mean I wouldn't put it past him.

I couldn't risk that just in case I needed my phone later on. I don't know how this was all going to go let alone where we were headed, but I really needed to talk to Danny. Where did Danny go? He wouldn't just abandon me when I was upset, would he?

I started to feel like I might begin to panic again. My breath caught and I had to try to take a deep breath to calm myself. "Lux are you okay." Danny's worried voice startled me. I visibly jumped making Colton look at me. "Are you okay?" Colton asked with concern.

I was a bit confused looking around for any sign of Danny but of course there was none. "Did I imagining that?" I thought to myself. God I think in going crazy. "Yeah fine." I answered Colton.

"Lux answer me." Danny's voice wrang out again. He sounded panicked. Looking to Colton he didnt seem to hear anything. Just like that I remembered that I did a sorta mind link with Danny before. I felt relived at that though. Good I'm not crazy.

I tried to think of talking to Danny but like I was just thinking it. "Danny can you hear me?" I heard a sigh so I must of done it right. "Lux where are you? Are you okay? I can feel how panicked you are." It made me smile because that ment that Danny still cared about me.

"I'm fine. I'm with Colton but I don't know where we are going. He won't tell me." I could hear Danny's powerful growl in my head. He definitely wasn't happy with what I told him. It was quite for a minute before Danny spoke again. "That asshole has his mind link blocked." He growled out.

I could tell Danny was worried and I'll admit I was a bit too. I didn't want Danny to be so I tried to convince him everything was fine. "Don't worry Danny. I'm fine. Besides I'm Colton's mate he wouldn't hurt me." He didn't like it but he knew I was right.

Deep down I knew that I was. Colton wouldn't intentionally harm me. At least not physically. When he finally officially rejects me I know that is going to hurt beyond anything I've ever felt. It's what we are always told of when someone is rejected.

I may not be rejected just yet but knowing it's what he wants and plans on doing hurts already. I can feel it deep down in my soul where Colton is being pulled away from me. The part where we were connected the moment we found out we were mates.

I felt a lone tear drop from my right eye. I quickly wiped it away. It was probably my pride that made me do it. I knew it was going to crush me when he rejected me but I'd be damned if I'd let him see me cry. I refuse to let him know how much he has a hold over me.

I will never let anyone make me feel that weak. Not even my mate. I didn't know where we were headed but I knew one thing my mate may reject me but he will regret it. "Yes Colton you will be sorry."

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