Chapter 14.

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I didn't have much time to get ready for school, but seeing as I spent time sleeping on the ground of the woods I thought it was best to take the time to shower and then quickly throw on whatever I could find to wear before I was any more late then I already was. I ended up wearing a light colored pair of blue jeans and a shirt I happened to borrow from Danny but forgot to give back a while ago.

I cut it and tied it to fit me since Danny is much larger then my small frame. I'm hoping it's been enough time that he won't realize that it's one of his favorite shirts. I love this shirt. It's perfectly worn and having something that Danny loved close to me always made me smile. After throwing my hair up into a point tail and putting on my all black convers I rushed down stairs to grab some sort of fruit or something to eat on the way to school. I was never a fan of participating in wearwolf things and that included meal times.

I was hoping I could get in grab something to eat and get out without being noticed. I needed to bring out my ninja moves. I got as close as I could to the wall and sneaked down the stairs, around the corner and down the hall till I made it to the kitchen. I could hear loud voices and when I made it in without them stopping I knew I hadn't been spotted.

With slow movements I opened the pantry door and grabbed a poptart. I tried not to crinkle the wrapper while I closed the pantry door and just when I thought I was almost out of the danger zone which ment I was almost out of the kitchen I nearly dropped the poptart and as I caught it I knew I was doomed as the wrapper rustled. "Hey!" Someone yelled out as a chair could be heard being scraped aginst the floor as it was being pushed back. "How could you betray me?" I wispered to the poptart in my hand.

I would have made a run for it if I didn't already know it wouldn't do me any good. Damn werewolf hearing and werewolf speed. I couldn't help but think Damn werewolves as I turned around to face my doom. "Oh hay danny." I said with an awkward little wave. He was standing there with his arms crossed and eyes narrowed. "Don't hi me Lux. That's my damn shit and I've been looking for!" He said accusingly. I put on my most shocked face. "It is?" I asked as if I didn't already know.

"Cut the crap." He said obviously not buying it. "Don't you remember you let me borrow it?" Which wasn't a lie because he did. "Yeah not keep it and cut it up." He countered. "What did you do to it?" He asked pissed off. "What are you saying it looks bad on me?" I asked with a little pout. I know it was wrong of me but I was trying to go with a little bit of gilt and hoping it worked. As soon as he sighed I knew it had.

"Well yeah of course it does." I gave him a hug. "So you'll let me keep it then." I asked as if I didn't know he wouldn't want it back now that I did what I did to make it fit me. He just laughed and I knew he wasn't mad at me. The threatening growl had Danny pulling fast from me. I knew it was Colton. He was standing with his hands balled up and looking pretty pissed off. He had to close his eyes to and clam himself down. Everyone was watching with curious eyes.

I had the urge to run as Colton's angry eyes stared back at me. I began to back up to leave when Colton simply shook his head no. I stopped not wanting to make it worse. "Sit down and eat." He demanded. Danny of course obeyed. "You too." he said to me as I once again tried to leave. I held up the poptart I was now crushed in my hand to say that I already had breakfast. "I won't say it again Lux." He said not leaving any more room for any argument.

At first I had the urge to give him the finger and tell him he couldn't tell me what to do, but the longer we stared the more I knew it wouldn't end to well for me. I'm already an outsider and disrespecting the soon to be alpha wouldn't make things any easier on me. I never wanted to make trouble for myself before so why would I have the urge to now? I had to take a few deep breaths to try and calm the anger I felt.

I slowly walked over to take a seat next to Danny. Danny wouldn't even look at me which is wired. Colton  shook his head at me to let me know i couldn't sit there. Looking around the table there wasn't any seats left and just as I was about to ask him where the hell did he expect me to sit Luke who sat to his right all of a sudden got up and moved next to Danny. I was sure that Colton telepathically told Luke to move. Damn werewolves. 

I stiffly took the seat Luke just left and the person on my right placed an empty plate in front of me. To which Colton placed food onto it while everyone watched even more curiously then before. I felt awkward and angry. I couldn't look at Colton out of fear I would be able to stop from saying something offensive to him. When I just sat there he cleared he throat and gave me a expectant look.

I couldn't stop the roll of my eyes as I picked up the fork and began to stab the food on my plate before making a big show of me eating it. Colton smiled at me. With the way his teeth were showing I knew it was ment as a warning that I was pushing it and normally I'd get that warning, but for some reason I could not care. I've never felt such determination to disobey ever in my life as I gave him a smile of my own before once again
stabbing food and eating it as before.

His smile winded more and his eyes darkened a shade in color. I don't know if it darkened out of anger or something else, but he didn't give my any indication to what it was. Whatever it was it made my stomach tighten and made me feel almost excited. I had to look away from him as my smile seemed to change to something I didn't want him to see.

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