Chapter 6.

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After sitting quietly for what seemed like forever Danny cleared his throat "Maybe we should head back home. We missed the rest of school and it's getting late." He was right but I didn't feeling like going back to the pack house where I had a chance to run into Colton.

Danny seemed to understand the reason to my hesitation. "I know it's going to be hard Lux but you don't need him and he sure as hell doesn't deserve you." He said with a growl that normally would have me a bit scared but for some reason it didn't affect me at all.

"I know but it doesn't hurt anyless Danny." I sighed. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me to him making me turn to face him in the process. I was on his lap with my head buried in the crook of his neck as he wrapped me up in a protective hug.

Well as best as he could seeing as my wings happened to be in the way. I didn't know what exactly was going on with me. Danny seemed to think I was a angel but that just didn't make any sense to me. From the time I turned thirteen I was told I wasn't worthy of things that were special.

Like I wasn't worth having a wolf and that I'd never had a mate. It was hard to believe that maybe they were all wrong seeing as I did indeed have a mate. Sure he didn't want me but the fact that I was at least worthy enough to get one was at least something right?

These wings what did it make me? It did seem I was some sort of angel but I could quite wrap my head around that ideal. Who in there right mind would make me an angel? I'm nobody. Just as I thought that I remembered my dream. That man was an angel and he said I was something special.

That was just a dream but it felt like something real. The only other person to ever say I would be something special was Evelyn Colton's grandmother and former luna. She'd always tell me that great things would come to me because I'd become something special.

I never took anything she said seriously. Everyone just laughed at things she said because they thought she was a bit crazy sense she lost her mate about ten years ago.

When a wolf looses there mate many things could happen. Some seem to deal with it better then others. Some will never be fine but manage to go on while others became withdrawn and depressed.  A few even become crazy. Some crazy to the point they have to be killed because they become a harm to themselves and others.

Although Evelyn was definitely sad without her mate she seemed fine to me. That was untill she said crazy things like how special I was. Things that didn't seem so crazy now. Yet I couldn't quite except it even though it was clearly shown coming out of my back. Wings. I can't believe I have wings.

"It will be okay Lux. I'm here for you. I'll always be here for you. You're my best friend and I love you like the annoying sister I never wanted." He said laughing trying to lighten the mood. It did help as I relaxed and laughed along.

"Right same here dork." I said pulling back from our hug. Danny's hugs were my favorite. I always felt safe. I always knew Danny would never let anything bad happen to me if he could prevent it. Now I was sure his wolf felt the same way too.

It was strange but I felt even more connected to Danny then I did before. Like a bond of some sort. As if an invisible string went from Danny to myself tying us to one another. Standing up I had to know. "Hey Danny do you feel different? I mean with me like somehow..."

I didn't know how to ask him but he seemed to get what I was trying to ask. "Yeah I do. Like I'm even more connected to you. Not just me but my wolf too." Looking at me shyly he added "He seems to be happy and proud about it."

I smiled. "I'm glad because I feel that same way. I just feel so greatful for your wolf. I don't know exactly how to explain it." Danny smiled big and laughed lightly. "No need to my wolf and I know exactly what you're trying to say and it makes us both very happy."

I tried to give him a hug and he bumped my wings in the process. Laughing I pulled back and then suddenly stopped. Danny looked concerned "What's the matter?" He ask as he grabbed my hand giving it a squeeze for support to whatever was bothering me.

"What do I do Danny, I mean I can't go back home with big red wings coming out of my back." I said in a panic. He grabbed my shoulders and shook me a little. "Okay calm down we'll figure it out. There has to be a way to get them to go back in or something."

I know I had to look pretty scared "but it was beyond painful when they came out." Shaking my head "no no I don't want to feel that shit again." I was definitely panicking and on my way to becoming historical.

I swear I could hear Danny's wolf whimper and it made me calm down a bit. I didn't want to upset him too. "I know Lux but we have to do something unless you want everyone to know." I shook my head and took a few calming deep breaths.

"Right so there has to be a way to put them back. Kinda like we do when we shift." I wasn't sure that this was exactly the same thing but I had to try something. "What do you do to shift back to your human form?"

He seemed to think about how to explain it to me before he spoke. "You just calm yourself. Close your eyes and picture yourself changing back to your human body." I gave him a "really look" and he laughed. "Yeah I know it sounds to simple but it's just that. Picture your wings shifting back in."

With a sigh I figured it's worth a shot. I closed my eyes and imaged my wings going back in. I pictured my normal bare back. Smooth and wingless. The pain I felt wasn't anything compared to when they came out but still had me dropping to my knees and crying out in pain.

After the pain subsided a bit I let out the breath I seemed to be holding. Danny helped me to my feet with a smile. "You did great Lux. Really it takes most wolves time to figure out how to shift back and then it takes time to actually do it."

I couldn't help but feel proud by that. "I'm sure it's not that same with wings as it is to shift from your wolf form to human." I commented rolling my eyes. Danny laughed and we headed back home.

I'm sure I looked like a mess. I wasn't sure what this all meant or what was going to happen now but for the first time in forever I felt like I could handle whatever came my way. I don't know if it's the fact that I was sure Danny was always gonna be there no matter what or that I felt stronger and more confident.

All I did know was I wasn't gonna give up so easily. With the help of Danny I was gonna face whatever I needed to head on. For the first time I felt like "I'm Luxington Knightly and I got this."

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